Public, private or home-schooled high school level students are invited to participate in the Rotary Club Music Contest for Instrumentalists.
At the club level (Minden Rotary) prizes are $50, $100 and $150.
The contest will be held on Feb. 19 at the Carson Valley Inn.
Students who advance to the next level could win as much as $250.
This competition is to be held at the MontBleu Hotel Casino in Stateline on April 4. The district finals will take place at the Peppermill Hotel in Reno on May 3.
Third place wins $250, second place $500 and first place $1,000.
Musical performances must be between 3-8 minutes in length and require an accompanist.
The winner at each level must commit to competing at the next level to qualify for prize money.
For more information contact Steve Petrangelo at 265-7562 or Gary Peterson at 782-7987.