There will be a party celebrating the Academy Awards, writers' strike or not, when the Carson Valley Community Theater Co. hosts "And the award goes to..." fundraising event 5 p.m. Feb. 24 at the Carson Valley Inn.
There are 160 seats available for the event that includes a 6-course dinner with wine, silent auction prizes of room stays and trips and pick the Oscar winners contest. There will be photographers to pose party-goers with or without the 6-foot Oscar statues, valet parking and viewing of the Academy Award show on three large-screen TVs in the Shannon Ballroom of the Carson Valley Inn.
Event organizer Margaret Edson said "And the award goes to..." benefits the theater company and the party will go on even in the case the Academy Award show doesn't air.
"We have a 4-piece jazz combo so there will be dancing and music even if the writers' strike goes on," said Edson.
Tickets are $70 per person or $540 for a table of eight. For information and tickets, call Margaret Edson, 782-3670.