One morning last week my husband and I were having our coffee out in the hot tub while watching all the birds do their spring things. Suddenly two robins started fighting over a long earthworm. They were only about 10 feet from me so I could watch the battle as it progressed. One big red-breasted bird kept yanking a large worm out of the wet soil while the other robin kept butting in so he could have a bite also.
The phrase "we live" is found many times in the Bible. Each reference in the New Testament is something that applies to all believers and is very relevant for life today. Here are a few scriptures to consider.
Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . . It appears that former Nevada Wolf Pack sophomore JaVale McGee won't have to cram his 7-foot frame into a Toyota or Honda hoping to battle rising gas prices this summer
Volunteers were busy Thursday morning setting up shade structures, stringing
Memorial Day weekend's misty weather only obscures the fact that we are
I read this letter to the editor of the chairman's removal being sought and
It'll be the junior girls against the seniors tonight in the annual Powder Puff football game at Douglas High School.
There are those rare times in sports when all of the things done on the field of play pale in comparison to the thing that isn't done at all.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Minden held a special appreciation and honor night this month for five teachers and two students from Carson Valley.
Kathy Port used a 400 mm lens to bring an American avocet and its reflection in water up close and personal in her first-place-winning Carson Valley Photo Club entry for the month of May. Her photo, "Spring Reflections," was taken at the Incline Village Ponds Bird Sanctuary.
Details are needed by noon Wednesday to put local musical entertainment information in this column. Contact People Editor Sharlene Irete at, at 782-5121, ext. 210 or by fax, 782-6132.
Thank you to all who enjoyed the barn tour from everyone at Douglas County Historical Society. The Historic Emigrant Trail Barn Tour was a huge success with many more people turning out than we ever expected. We truly thank you for supporting your local museums. As you know, we receive no state or county operating funds. We are totally self-supporting and you are our heroes.
To understand why communication is so critical for a child's overall brain power is to know just what a child's brain does with all those words you speak around him.
I just returned from a trip to Illinois where I had a wonderful visit to the Chicago Botanic Garden in the suburb of Glencoe. The garden is only 36 years old, but it is quite lovely.
Sierra Crest Academy students take the stage in the Children's Museum of Northern Nevada presentation of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Children's Museum, 813 N. Carson St., Carson City.
Three years ago, Rebecca Goodspeed packed her Jeep and left for Omaha with the intention of becoming a physical therapist. Eight back-to-back semesters later, her hard work and dedication paid off when she graduated from Creighton University on May 10, 2008 as a doctor of physical therapy.
The Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department kicks off its 12th annual Family Summer Concert Series 6:30 p.m. tonight at Minden Park. Bring a low back chair and a picnic dinner and enjoy an evening of music with family and friends.
Douglas High graduate Bryan Miller got a call Thursday morning that he never expected to get.
Four Douglas High School students and one alternate have been selected to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp this summer. The students are Megan Michitarian, Jessica Waggoner, Eric Guzman and Jon Gilkerson. Chloe Trudell is an alternate.
Soroptimists International of Carson Valley held a luncheon on May 20 to honor this year's recipients of the Student Achievers Award.
Whittell High School senior Brittney Maka was presented a $1,000 Masonic Scholarship Assistance Award by Worshipful Master Walt Kestleloot at the Douglas Masonic Lodge in Genoa on April 9.
The Walker Community Senior Health Fair will again be held at the Walker Community Center on Friday, June 6, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All seniors, their families and the community are invited to attend, meet the providers of services in Mono County for young and old, and enjoy a free lunch.
The University Women's Club of Carson Valley awarded their annual Grace Whear Memorial Scholarship to Kristin Lovell, who plans to major in math and biology at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Shawn Estes, P, San Diego Padres: Estes struck out five and walked four, allowing two runs in six innings against Cincinnati Friday. He is carrying a 2.33 ERA since being called up from Triple-A on May 8.
Reiko Hervin offers a watercolor workshop, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the University of Nevada, Reno, Cooperative Extension, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Learn to sketch from reference photos, about color scheme and values and watercolor painting and watercolor pencil techniques.
The Carson Valley Arts Council invites regional arts organization, community arts supporters and CVAC members to the second Town Hall Forum and Cafe discussion regarding plans for the Copeland Cultural Arts Center facility, 7 p.m. Thursday at the Copeland Cultural Arts Center, 1572 Highway 395, Minden.
Ryan Hamilton is 11 years old and a fifth-grader at Pinon Hills Elementary School. Ryan, his parents Patrick and Lisa, and his younger brother Kellen just got back from a trip to Las Vegas where Ryan was invited to attend an award ceremony for his high test scores in the Explorer test he took last January.
Walking around the Douglas High campus and talking with senior Luke Wartgow's coaches, it's not hard to see why he was chosen as one of the Nevada Interscholastic Athletic Association's Top 10 Student-Athletes of the Year.
Editor's Note: The following is a petition being circulated as part of an effort to have Tribal Chairman Waldo Walker removed from office.
Instructor Lindsey Frueh demonstrates how to preserve treasured memories with the art of scrapbooking through a class offered as part of the Douglas County Senior Center's Life Options program.
At the University of Nevada graduation in Reno on May 16, I was privileged to present the Nevada System of Higher Education's Distinguished Nevadan Award to Lynn Hettrick, who I nominated for the award last year. My remarks for the occasion, which are printed below, followed the traditional "ode" format that Regents use for these presentations.
No stretch of road in Douglas County is as unforgiving as Highway 395 between the top of Jake's Hill and the south end of Double Spring Flat.
Some of Nevada's oldest homes open their doors for the 10th year of the Genoa Home & Garden Tour on Sunday. The annual event benefits the Carson Valley Pops Orchestra.
The Hietman house was built by Herman Heitman in 1890 on the family farm on Douglas Street one block behind Sharkey's in Gardnerville.
Taking a look down the rosters of both the Douglas High boys' and girls' basketball programs this season, a common thread seemed to link everyone involved.
This idea sprung up out of the phrase, "He's one of the best (fill in the blank) I've seen since I've been here.
Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .
Saturday is the day for the Historic Emigrant Trail Barn Tour. The tour starts at 9 a.m. and you will need to have your ticket in hand when you arrive at each barn. Don't forget to bring your tickets - you don't want to have to head back home to get them. If you don't have a ticket yet, call 782-2555 and pick yours up today.
Did you know that this June marks the 110th anniversary of the American Red Cross presence here in Northern Nevada?
The Douglas County Historical Society's Historic Emigrant Trail Barn Tour is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
I went to downtown Minden thinking I would find the first farmers market of the season. I don't know maybe it was too early, but there really was nothing there. No tri-tip sandwiches, no fresh bread, no corn or any other veggies. It looked like a flea market more than a farmers market.
Sales boils down to the fine art of telling a story that people buy.
It may be too much to hope that people will spend this Memorial Day observing the reason for the day off. Memorial Day was originally founded to maintain the graves of soldiers killed in the Civil War.
Douglas High teacher and cross country coach Keith Cole has talked many times over the last seven years about taking that first "victory" lap on an all-weather track at the high school.
After an incredible run through the playoffs in 2007 to the regional championship game, the Douglas High softball team knew what they were capable of.
If you had a flyer stuck in your door by Nevadans Against the Tax Grab then you have received the most misleading, most underhanded, and most deceptive piece of trash ever distributed by the gambling industry.
Residents of Douglas County should pay close attention to the proposal that will be coming soon from Park Cattle. If approved, it would be the beginning of the end for life as we know it in Carson Valley.
On Friday, Gardnerville resident Eric Rieman ran hard up against state law when he tried to file for Douglas County Board of Commissioners.
Local VFW Post No. 3567 will host their annual yard sale on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, May 24 through 27, next to the Walker Mini Mall. They will be happy to accept contributions for their sale, except for heavy furniture items. To have a contribution picked up, call 495-9150, 495-2621, 495-2149, 495-2979, or 495-2488.
Registered nurse Lori Salvador won the Northern Nevada Nurses of Achievement Award for Rural Nursing on May 9.
Heather Kuehner is the music teacher at Pinon Hills Elementary School for January '08 through January '09. Then she returns to Jacks Valley Elementary School for one year after that. It sounded strange to me that our children have music for one year and then art for the following year, but that is the way it is done. I guess we are lucky to have music taught in our school.
About 50 classic cars participate in Saturday's Valley Cruisers Rockathon at Heritage Park in Gardnerville.
This idea sprung up out of the phrase, "He's one of the best (fill in the blank) I've seen since I've been here.
It was the 2005 preseason softball scrimmage for the Douglas High softball team.
The Douglas High baseball and softball teams put a combined seven players on the first team in the All-Sierra League postseason honors released after the state tournament over the weekend.
Shawn Estes, P, San Diego Padres: Estes made his second start of the week after being out of the Major Leagues for two years, had an outstanding outing in the Padres 3-2 loss against the Seattle Mariners in Seattle. Estes allowed a first inning run, but that was it as he held the Mariners to two hits while striking out two and walking two over 6 1/3 innings. He picked up his 100th career win earlier in the week against the Chicago Cubs.
If someone wanted to have a little fun while watching the Douglas baseball team battle for a win late in the game this season, all it took was a glance toward the dugout.
The Sierra League coaches released their 2008 postseason honors teams Monday evening. The list is as follows:
Shawn Estes is on his way to becoming one of the feel good stories of the Major League Baseball season, but was denied his second straight win on Sunday when the San Diego Padres bullpen couldn't hold a lead.
The Douglas High track & field team didn't bring home any state titles at the NIAA meet at Damonte Ranch, but the Tigers saw three school records fall over the weekend.
Douglas junior Eddie Kollar put the finishing touches on his rookie season of diving over the weekend, winning the state title in the 1-meter diving competition in Las Vegas.
It began as a simple afterthought -- something relating closer to a dream than an actual goal.
The Douglas High boys' 4x800 track relay team managed to better their regional championship time by more than two seconds Friday afternoon at the NIAA 4A State Championships at Damonte Ranch.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Minden held a special appreciation and honor night on Saturday for five teachers and two students from Carson Valley.
I sure hope that Toler Lane is open again by the time this goes to press, but I want to make sure that a leaking culvert has been fixed before I drive over that area. I don't want to collapse into some big hole. It certainly has been a big inconvenience for residents of Fish Springs and the East Valley area, but we're tough out here and we appreciate the roads that we have now.
What will be said of your character? What words will be used to describe what is important to you? When others describe your passion what will they say? When asked to describe your life in one sentence, how will it read? Would family members describe you as kind or mean?
Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .
Along with fuel and food prices, hay prices are also rising. According to the Nevada Agricultural Statistics Service, hay prices averaged $167 per ton in March 2008. Certified weed-free hay can fetch even higher prices, and helps prevent the spread of noxious weeds. Local farmers can learn how to produce certified weed-free hay at a free weed-free hay workshop, 10 a.m. to noon, Monday, May 19, at the Cooperative Extension conference room, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville.
During April and May, Project Santa Claus and the Douglas County Public Library co-sponsored a handout of new books to children, 15 and younger whose parents use the Carson Valley Community Food Closet.
Douglas County Senior Services is planning a trip to see the "Floor Play" dance show June 15 in the Eldorado Showroom in Reno. The matinee show is 3 p.m. with dinner to follow at 4:30 p.m.
The Hidden Treasures Antique Thrift Store, run by the Family Support Council of Douglas County, will be closing June 7. Donations will be accepted until Saturday. All items will be on sale for 50 percent off until May 24 with a 75 percent off sale May 27 through June 7.
Details are needed by noon Wednesday to put local musical entertainment information in this column. Contact People Editor Sharlene Irete at, at 782-5121, ext. 210 or by fax, 782-6132.
The Historic Emigrant Trail Barn Tour is May 24, and tickets are going fast. Call the Douglas County Historical Society at 782-2555 as soon as possible for tickets.
The public is invited to Scarselli Elementary School's annual Art Show on Thursday, May 22 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The theme of the 2008 Carson Valley Days is "Keep Nevada Open." The annual event is celebrated with a parade, a hot-air balloon launch, carnival and the Carson Valley Days Walk, Jog, Run on June 12-15.
Yoga with instructor Bea McDonald is 9:30 to 11 a.m. or 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays at the Douglas
Heartfelt thanks are given to the Douglas County Education Foundation for their generosity. They funded a grant written by Leslie Flynn for the purchase of sticky mats, blocks and straps.
Up to 75 cars are expected when the Valley Cruisers Car Club and the Town of Gardnerville host the '50s Rockathon Car Show and Swap Meet, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Heritage Park. The annual event features cars, a swap meet, music and food.
The Douglas County Historical Society's Historic Emigrant Trail Barn Tour is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 24.
Editor: During the last few years there has been a significant increase in the senior (over the age of 65) population in the United States primarily due to the "Post Depression" babies reaching retirement age
It should surprise no one that former "Beverly Hillbillies" star Max Baer Jr. wants a really big sign to go with his Beverly Hillbillies Mansion & Casino.
"I want you to adore San Francisco, as much as I do so make a list of things you want to do," Georgia tells me.
It was a September evening and the Douglas football team was trailing league rival Hug 28-19 at home with the clock draining out on the third quarter.
Word is out on the Douglas baseball team. The Tigers took what was supposed to be a rebuilding year, complete with new starters at nearly every spot on the field, and turned themselves into league title contenders.
Six senior Douglas football players will have their careers extended for at least one more game.
Top Ten Through May 10 (First place votes are in parentheses)
Shawn Estes, P, San Diego Padres: Estes was called up from Triple-A Portland last week and pitched 1.2 innings against Atlanta, striking out two and not allowing an earned run. He picked up his 100th career win Tuesday night against the Cubs in his first start in two years.
Former Douglas High standout Shawn Estes had some serious doubts if he was ever going to get his 100th career Major League victory.
My neighbor, Sara, called the other day and told me about the bear that had come to visit them. He crossed the creek, came up on their deck and stared in the window at them. This is the time of year we will see quite a bit of that with our local wildlife, so please protect yourselves and your pets from any harm.
Roy Yates, "Master of Beyond Basic Horse Training," will conduct a horsemanship clinic at the Amacker Ranch on Centerville Lane on Friday through Sunday.
Gardnerville resident Gene Zierdt is celebrating his 90th birthday on Thursday and inviting friends to give him a call.
The Boys & Girls Club Golf Tournament is a scramble format and begins with registration and breakfast at 8 a.m. and a shotgun start at 9 a.m. May 31 at Genoa Lakes Golf Resort.
The Douglas County Parks & Recreation Departments' 12th annual Summer Family Concert Series in Minden Park begins May 30 with Alice Stuart and the Formerlys.
The Purple Ribbon Coalition hosts a seminar on elder abuse, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, at the Carson Valley United Methodist Church.
I got a phone call from one neighbor who said he opened his hen house door and saw a medium-sized garden snake. I got another phone call from a neighbor who said he saw five varieties of lizards on a rocky hill out Sunrise Pass Road. When I find out the details about the lizards, I'll write an article about it. It sounds interesting to me.
Donations may be made to the Carson Valley Children's Center, Austin's House, through purchases at Scolari's Food and Drug Co.
The 16th annual Wacky Waddlers' Wiver Wace is June 15 at Lampe Park. The sale of the wacky waddler rubber ducks benefits the Carson Valley Community Food Closet. The food closet provides supplemental food to qualified Douglas County residents in need.
The 2008 edition of Carson Valley Days buttons are on sale for $1 from Soroptimist International of Carson Valley. The tradition of wearing Carson Valley Days buttons saves the wearer from being thrown in "jail" at the Carson Valley Days parade on June 14.
The Academy of Dance Arts 14th annual spring concert will be presented, 6 p.m. May 28 and 29 in the MontBleu Theatre in Stateline.
Big Mama's Show & Shine Car Show at Lampe Park on Saturday was the largest to date with 152 car show participants. The event raised more than $7,000 for the Douglas County Meals on Wheels program.
After reading the letter to the editor from Mr. Hibbs in the May 9 Record-Courier, I had to chuckle. I too attended Alpine County Candidates' Night.
"Some men see things as they are and say, 'Why?' I dream of things that never were and say, 'Why not?'" Robert Kennedy delivered this famous quote during his 1968 Presidential campaign. Kennedy's spirit excited an entire generation of Americans.
Last week, Matthew Cole Martin, 18, admitted doing $5,000 in damage by spray painting racist and obscene slogans on walls around Carson Valley.
The going philosophy on Tuesday non-league games during baseball and softball season has been that they tend to not be the best determiner of where teams really stand.
Douglas junior Eddie Kollar spent the last two springs running track while perhaps his better talent sat waiting on the back burner.
There was little question heading into the year that the Douglas High 4x800 boys' relay team was going to be pretty solid.
With only 10 athletes this season, the Sierra Lutheran High School boys' track & field team claimed the Northern 1A team championship Saturday in Winnemucca.
22-11 overall, 16-5 Sierra League, 10-2 home, 12-8 away, 1-1 neutral, 20-10 vs. Northern Nevada teams.
26-7 overall, 18-3 Sierra League, 7-2 home, 11-1 away, 8-4 neutral, 20-5 vs. Northern Nevada teams.
After staying alive against Damonte Ranch to start the day, the Douglas softball team just didn't have enough left in the tank to keep its season going agaist Reed Friday afternoon.
Too often I think that we develop an "I am more important than you" mentality. We see it in politics, business, and advertising and also in the church. We like to put the other guy down. It probably stems from the fact that we are all very selfish and our main concern is to take care of ourselves.
It's Mother's Day " what a wonderful time set aside to honor and celebrate our mothers. Whether they're still living or deceased, our thoughts are all about them today. Even though my mother was very busy with seven children, she made time to be with each of us and I always knew she loved me. As soon as we got home from school each day we would have a snack to eat and then sit at the kitchen table and do our homework. When we were finished we would go outside and play.
Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .
The Reed baseball team clubbed five home runs and capitalized on four Douglas errors to bring the Tigers' season to an early end Thursday afternoon with a 14-9 victory at Manogue in the Northern 4A playoffs.
After suffering a 3-2 setback against McQueen to open the regional playoffs at Manogue Thursday, the Douglas softball team pounded out a 7-2 victory against Wooster to stay alive for another day.
Douglas High School senior Kristin Lovell was presented with a $1,000 Carson Valley Masonic Lodge Scholarship Assistance Award by Worshipful Master Andy Anderson and Douglas County School Superintendent Carol Lark on April 15. Kristin will apply her scholarship to study education at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is the daughter of Rita Lovell.
Details are needed by noon Wednesday to put local musical entertainment information in this column. Contact People Editor Sharlene Irete at, at 782-5121, ext. 210 or by fax, 782-6132.
This election season has been going on for an awful long time for us to just start filing this week.
Soaring record-setter Gordon Boettger had a scare when weather forced his glider down on April 29.
The winner of the Douglas County Historical Society's April photo contest is Veronica Perra who titled her entry "Sharing Seasons," which certainly is April in Douglas County. More often that not we share a little snow with springtime weather. Congratulations to Veronica and runner-up Ann Gray. Stop into the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center to see the complete April 2009 calendar page.
May, and our calves are doing well. Irrigation is flowing. Valley ranchers have finished burning off fields and ditches of noxious weeds and willows. Recent rain has caused grass and sagebrush to pop up and pay attention to Spring.
The 10th annual Stars of Tomorrow event was great fun and a wonderful success. Funds were raised for scholarships for youth who won the competition and for students graduating from Douglas High School this year. The event is made possible by donations from the following:
The winners of Carson Valley Art Association scholarships for 2008 are Wendy Barrientos, Chelsie Haggard and Todd Hayes.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada launched the Bigs in Schools mentoring program at Carson Valley and Pau-Wa-Lu middle schools.
Minden Farmers Market opening day May 20
Solid patches of creamy white flowers are showing up across northern Nevada. A gardener called asking whether this white-flowered plant was a weed. She brought it in for identification, and it is an invasive weed, hoary cress, Cardaria draba, that is listed as a noxious weed in Nevada Revised Statutes.
Galleries' Second Saturday events Helen Martin's painting demonstration, 1-3 p.m. at East Fork Gallery, 1503 Highway 395, Gardnerville; Elements exhibit and artists' reception,
Luc Rodarte, 19, recently completed all four phases of the training required by East Fork Fire & Paramedic Districts and is the newest member of the Ruhenstroth Volunteer Fire Department.
The All City Musical production of "Anything Goes" runs through Sunday at Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School. is reporting that Douglas High graduate Shawn Estes will be called up to join the San Diego Padres for their series finale in Atlanta this afternoon.
The Douglas High baseball team was cruising along just fine Wednesday afternoon in the second round of the Northern 4A Playoffs before a freak play got the ball rolling in Manogue's direction.
Through May 3 (First place votes are in parentheses)
Shawn Estes, P, Portland Beavers (Padres AAA): Estes is 4-2 on the year with a 3.67 ERA. He has 25 strikeouts and has walked seven batters. Most recently he pitched seven shutout innings with four strikeouts an one walk to earn the win against New Orleans.
Douglas High boys' golf coach Brent Eddy has never found himself at a loss for words when it comes to Thomas Wicker, his team leader this season.
Douglas sophomore Thomas Wicker is making his second trip to state in as many years after finishing fourth at the Northern 4A Regional Championships Tuesday.
As far as senior farewells go, Douglas' Jordan Hadlock had a pretty darn good one Tuesday afternoon at Tiger field in Minden.
Coleville High School 2005 graduate Shawna Carlson has completed her Bachelor of Science degree in business administration at Alliant International University in San Diego and will be graduating this month.
Michael and Shannon Krupp of Gardnerville announce the engagement of their daughter, Kaylee Michele Krupp, to Justin Ashley-efrid Bland.
I've picked up highway trash for 30 years or more. Finally, I see people realize the pollution and trash problems and are stepping up to get the word out and for each of us to do our part to save our planet for future generations.
Trisha Butler and Jonathan Clements, both of Gardnerville, were married March 15, 2008, at Lake Tahoe.
The approval of the C.O.D. Garage was a textbook example of how to turn what could have been a contentious issue into a unifying one.
Carol Nageotte from the Douglas County Public Library brought Julie Allen of Creepy Crawly Creatures of Sacramento for Family Literacy Night at Pinon Hills Elementary School last week. Julie was here to support the Catch the Reading Bug and Nature's Critters reading programs and to tell the importance of bugs' jobs.
Carson Valley historian Bob Ellison will discuss his latest book, "Long Beard," in Gardnerville on Thursday. The book tells the story of Nevada pioneer Warren Wasson.
Applications are being accepted for artist participation in the Douglas County Historical Society's Art and Wine Festival, July 19, on the lawn of the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center.
Events for the Carson Valley Art Galleries' Second Saturday event on May 10 include:
Due to the various regional playoff events takingup the first two days of the week, this week's notebook is going to be on the brief side. I just updated the regular elements and we'll get back into the swing of things next week.
The Douglas High track & field team qualified for 31 spots at the Northern 4A Regional Championships at the regional trials over the weekend and saw a couple school records fall in the process.
The Douglas girls' swim team finished its second regular season in the Zephyr League much the same way it finished the first " as league champs.
The Douglas High baseball and softball teams head into the most important part of the season this week with the opening of the Northern 4A Regional playoffs.
21-9 overall, 16-5 Sierra League, 9-2 home, 12-7 away, 1-0 neutral, 19-8 vs. Northern Nevada teams.
24-5 overall, 18-3 Sierra League, 7-2 home, 11-1 away, 6-2 neutral, 18-3 vs. Northern Nevada teams.
The shortest distance between two locations is a straight line, but rarely can you get to your destination in a straight line, unless you take a plane. A compass is an excellent navigational device, simply because it has four directional points and it always points north which can help you keep your bearings. Many people use Global Positioning Systems as well for navigational purposes.
Uh, oh " the earth is trembling again. Hundreds of little aftershocks shaking, rattling, rolling and trembling have been reported in Nevada during the last couple of weeks. They're even talking about Gardnerville having an earthquake last Tuesday morning. Now we're getting close to home. Maybe too close.
Battered, bruised and battle-weary, the Douglas baseball team will come into next week's Northern 4A Regional tournament riding a two-game losing streak.
I had occasion to frequent the Douglas County Senior Center for lunch. I was appalled at the dining room. It's like eating in a sardine can. The whole place is bursting at the seams. The efforts of Warren, Shannon and Tammy, plus all those volunteers who give of their time, are endless.
I'm sorry to say that I'm not a native Nevadan, but I've been here since 1962 and in Carson Valley since 1969. I was born and raised in "Old" California, family there since 1832. So, I can sympathize with those that have come to Carson Valley seeking a better way of life. Apparently the new publisher of The Record-Courier, Mr. Don Rogers, isn't one of them.
Novelist Ursula K. Le Guin offers a surprising viewpoint in an article for Harper's about books and the decline in reading.
Tuesday's 1,200-acre East Lake fire in northern Washoe Valley should be a reminder that fire season is here with a vengeance.
The Douglas High softball team closed out its home slate in style Thursday, picking up an 11-1 win over No. 8 Wooster to improve to 16-3 in Sierra League play.
Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .
It was simply the kind of game one would expect to see from the two top-ranked teams in the region.
The All City Musical production of "Anything Goes" continues through May 11 at Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School.
Puppeteer Paul Spears brings Granny Snowflake, Honey Bear and Clown to help introduce American Sign Language during Student-Senior Day at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center on Saturday.