Backing the thin khaki line

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Members of the International Footprint Association take their cues from fictional character Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday, the organization's logo.

"It's the symbol for cooperation between civilians, police and firefighters," said Ray Hoyt, the Carson Valley chapter secretary-treasurer for the past 10 years.

Crusoe follows Friday's footprints on the beach where he was shipwrecked, stressing cooperation between the two " the Footprinters' ideal.

"We welcome people who share our beliefs," he said. "We cater to and support law enforcement agencies and firefighters."

The Footprinters sustain their membership through $24 annual dues, 10 dinner meetings a year and ticket sales for the popular Pot of Gold raffles at each meeting.

"That's our only source of income," Hoyt said. "It's easy to be a Footprinter. We don't beat up our members with a lot of fundraising activities."

There's a picnic in the summer and each December, Hoyt hosts a Christmas potluck in his home.

In 2007, the club donated equipment worth $3,000 to the Douglas County Sheriff's Office, including a laser distance meter, surveillance and crisis negotiations equipment and donations to the sheriff's explorer program.

The year before that, the group made a $2,000 donation to the sheriff's canine program.

A few years ago, the Carson Valley chapter reached out to Carson City and the membership grew.

"We're the only chapter in Nevada," he said. "There used to be chapters in Ely, Reno and Las Vegas but, in time, they folded up."

Carson Valley Chapter No. 72 includes 167 members, fourth largest of 30 chapters.

"We think we're a worthwhile community organization," said chapter President Larry Gray.

The Footprinters' next meeting is Thursday at the Carson Nugget. Hospitality is 6 to 7 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. The organization meets the third Thursday of the month, alternating between Carson Valley and Carson City.

Information, Ray Hoyt, 2678-4355.