In Carson: Ex-treasurer sentenced to probation in theft from Pop Warner

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A former treasurer for Carson City Pop Warner was given probation for embezzling money from the youth football organization more than a year ago.

Tamerlee Davidson, 42, received a suspended prison sentence of 12 to 32 months, was given three years probation and she was ordered to pay $3,600 in restitution on a guilty plea to a charge of felony attempted theft.

According to police reports, members of the board for Pop Warner contacted the Carson City Sheriff's Department in June 2006 to report that Davidson's records did not account for between $8,000 and $10,000 from the 2005 football season.

Records indicate that Davidson was treasurer from July 2005 to January 2006, and only one cash amount of $450 was deposited.

According to the police report, more than $21,000 was recorded as being raised from a car wash, opening-day fundraiser, apparel sales and concession sales.