It may be too much to hope that people will spend this Memorial Day observing the reason for the day off. Memorial Day was originally founded to maintain the graves of soldiers killed in the Civil War.
While some still honor our war dead, far more use the three-day weekend as an excuse to get away.
We're betting that despite $4 a gallon gas prices (forgive us if they've gone up another four bits in the 36 hours between this writing and its actual publication) and somewhat dreary weather, there will be more people out on the highway.
That means the chance of encountering someone who's paying more attention to the kids in the back, or the radio, or trying to reach the sunscreen that fell behind the seat, than the road are greatly increased.
And expect the madness to begin at about noon today.
All we ask is that folks watch out for one another during the three-day weekend.
Watch out for traffic, be careful with fire, keep an eye on the kids. We'd like to have you back on Tuesday, rested and ready to start what looks like protect our freedom.
Memorial Day is a time to maintain graves, not end up in one.