On Tuesday morning, 84-year-old Minden resident Elise Aldridge woke up early and walked from her house, which is near the Carson Valley Swim Center, all the way to the CVIC Hall in downtown Minden.
"I've been walking about a mile," she said. "My car is in the shop, but I had to get out and vote."
Aldridge wouldn't reveal her political persuasions, nor did she want to talk about political issues, but she did say her single vote would make a difference.
"It could be the vote that breaks a tie," she said.
With about half the electorate having already cast absentee or early ballots, polls were busy, but there wasn't a lont wait.
Out of 33,539 registered active and inactive Douglas County voters, 13,318 took advantage of early voting, and another estimated 4,000 used absentee ballots.
But voters who waited for election day had no less urgency regarding the issues.
"I'm really worried about the economy, and if Obama gets in, I think we will see some major problems," said 69-year-old Minden resident Judy Vanover.
"Obama's programs and all the things on his plate will make things worse," said 72-year-old husband Wayne Vanover.
The Vanovers said they were concerned about the local economy and for that reason voted against county Question 1, the growth management ordinance.
"I'm an old-fashioned guy, and I like open space, and I don't want to see the Valley turned to asphalt, but at the same time, we need some kind of growth," said Wayne.
"I think the market can take care of itself," added Judy.
Minden resident Nicky Miller, 56, disagreed with the Vanovers' choice for president.
"I'm worried about health care, the economy and the war," she said. "I want Obama because I don't see McCain making any changes."
Miller said her 20-year-old daughter voted for the first time.
"I voted looking out for her future," Miller said.