It's time to clean out the closets and gather good quality, used winter clothing for children and adults to donate to Project Santa Claus.
Collection of clothes for the annual charity event will continue until Dec. 5.
The clothes will then be sorted by volunteers and will be available to families on Project Santa Claus hand-out day, according to organizer Marilyn Malkmus.
Clothing collection boxes will be available at the following locations in Gardnerville:
Carson Valley Medical Center, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Office, R&T Cleaners, Raley's camera department, Edward D. Jones on Highway 395.
In Minden collection boxes are located at Nevada State Bank, 11 locations in Minden Village and World Gym.
Project Santa Claus includes children of Carson Valley Community Food Closet families, children of Family Support Council families, children in the CASA program and families recommended by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. All families live in Douglas County and are first approved for need by their sponsoring agencies.
Clean, good-condition used winter clothing in wearable condition is needed for adults, teens, children and infants.
Items needed include sweaters, jackets, coats, sweat suits, jeans, pants, hats, scarves, gloves, boots, shoes and winter night wear.
Anyone with questions should call Malkmus at 782-4931.