Letters to the Editor Nov. 28

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Another slap on wrist for Killen


I would really like to know what the citizens of Douglas, and Carson City feel about another slap on the hand for Mr. Killen! I know, I am very disappointed with our Justice system, and the kindheartedness of our local judges. Mr. Killen has a baby he's beginning to bond with (how nice), but what about the other child he has?

Let's see, prison obviously didn't do much to change his ways, now we are supposed to believe that so little jail time changed his whole life around. If that were the case, why then did he need his hand slapped for hitting another prisoner?

Mr. Killen, it is beware for all of us, and if the looks bother you, well you brought this all on yourself. Do I sound a little bitter? Maybe getting my window shot out did that to me.

I would like to thank Mr. Kelly Werth for seeing the light, and wanting to make this a safer place for us all.

Stephanie Carney


Bring ideas

for new park


Residents in the Ranchos please come to the upcoming Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District meeting 4 p.m. Dec. 5 to voice your opinions on what you would like constructed at the new park next to the East Fork Fire Department on Mitch Drive.

I suggested a dog park, but I have done some thinking that perhaps since seniors have few resources in Douglas County perhaps a bocce ball court would be nice for our seniors.

Please come with your ideas. Otherwise we will get what the district thinks is what we need.

Nanci Lemburg


Motorcycle club helps team


As president of the Silver Knights Motorcycle Club, I would like to thank the members of the Silver Knights for donating their time to park cars at the Genoa Cemetery during the 2008 Candy Dance. Members gave up their time for a great cause. We were on our feet all day and took a little verbal abuse from folks but it goes with the task. There were more that shared a laugh and a smile with club members who made up for the other percentage.

The Silver Knights would also like to thank the people of our community who parked their cars at the Genoa Cemetery, as their proceeds allowed the Silver Knights to donate $1,100 to Douglas Pop Warner Football. We know the spots fill up quickly, and we appreciate the folks waiting their turn to park, as your parking fees are going to a worthy cause.

The Rooker boys, Dilyn, Jarred, and Wyatt, were the representatives of the teams that inquired to the motorcycle club to make a donation. The Silver Knights are a non-profit club and were happy to help out the boys.

The economy today will see programs diminish due to the lack of funding, and the sports programs for kids provide a lot of spirit and guidance at an early age. The kids learn the thrill of victory, and at times the sadness of a loss that will occur from time to time for a team. They learn how to win as a team and lose as a team, how to work together. They learn sportsmanship at a youthful age. With donations kids of all income levels will have the opportunity to experience being part of a team.

Thank you Silver Knight members for your time, thank you folks for coming out to the Candy Dance and parking at the cemetery lot and to the Rooker boys for helping their team obtain donation funds as you boys are motivators for other team players to look up to.

Robby Robinson

Carson Valley

Valley Chamber

offers thanks


The Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Authority would like to publicly thank the sponsors of our annual community awards and gala.

The contributions of The Record-Courier, G.E. Energy, Bing Materials, Pro Group Management, Gregory and Melinda Klick, Carson Tahoe Regional Health Care and The Ridge Tahoe/Resorts West made it possible for us to recognize individuals, businesses and organizations that greatly enrich the community.

In addition, the generosity of Tahoe Ridge Winery, Bouquet & Bouquet, Scolari's Floral Department, A Wild Flower and Raley's Floral Department added greatly to the event and Marie Stokes and the staff at Genoa Lakes provided an exceptional dinner.

Bill Chernock

Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Authority

Thanks for opening swim center restrooms


Congratulations! Thank you to the Carson Valley Swim Center board of directors. They listened to the community and made a workable compromise about the locking up of the dressing room/restrooms located near the warm pool. At its Nov. 20 meeting, the board renegotiated by deciding that one of the changing rest rooms would be kept unlocked for general use of those unable to easily access the regular locker room. The other changing restroom will continue to be locked, accessible only to those in need of assistance with dressing and personal needs.

Thank you, Carson Valley Swim Center board of directors for listening to the needs of the community and acting accordingly.

Linda Hiebert Sekiguchi

Training amateur radio operators


The Amateur Radio Emergency Services is organized under the Amateur Radio Relay League, to provide emergency communications services during times of disaster or distress. The Lyon County Amateur Radio Emergency Services is organized with oversight by the league.

The licensed amateur radio operators that belong to LCARES are volunteers. Even though we are known as amateur radio operators, we do our absolute best to fulfill our tasks, even though we are not paid for what we do.

Their primary mission is to support our community. Our members receive training on the Incident Command System. This is a management structure that is implemented by the first emergency team to arrive on scene and is used throughout the emergency. The league has emergency communications courses available that are recommended for our members. Our members also receive local training to meet our served agency's communication needs. Some of the training is conducted in a "classroom environment" and others in the field.

LCARES personnel are often placed with Lyon County Search and Rescue teams, to provide radio communications during the team's mission. By using our communications skills and equipment, we stay proficient with our equipment and operating procedures.

What does it take to become a licensed Amateur Radio Operator? Drop by a meeting, and we will fill you in. It is easy " no more Morse code requirements.

John Abrott


Thanks to community volunteers


On Saturday Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Toni Braga, counter technician for the East Fork Fire & Paramedic Districts arrived at the Carson Valley Community Food Closet and Family Support Council with three of the East Fork fire cadets, Jacob Braga, John Nunez and Aaron Leising, to help me, Lura Morrison, who regularly cleans the grounds and prunes the trees and shrubs. These volunteers worked non-stop.

Finally, Toni convinced the boys to break for a great meal she prepared in advance then onward they continued. I was hauling limbs and wild rose cuttings to the Douglas Transfer Station, free of charge thanks to Don Williams, operation manager and Jeff Tillman owner of Douglas Disposal.

After unloading several times I returned to the Carson Valley Community Food Closet parking lot to find Nathan Leising, Aaron's father and fire marshal of the East Fork Fire District, with his Bobcat clearing all the dead brush from the road to the entrance. Wow, what a great sight.

Everyone was working together for the benefit of all of our community, and for Eileen Boettiger, director of the food closet, who recently had major surgery and will return to such a surprise. What could lift a person's spirit more than to know these wonderful young men doing such a great job? I enjoyed so much hearing each talk about their schooling and future goals. Each so very polite and goal oriented.

Even the two cats who reside there to keep mice at bay had a new condo built. This time with a cement foundation so the bear who demolished the old one will have a harder time getting in their house. Aaron Leising dug the holes two feet deep and Boy Scout volunteer Jeramiah Crawford poured the cement for the posts.

As we all worked, several vehicles came and went with donations left for the folks needing a boost, not just for the holidays, but until they get on their feet again. The gate to the Dumpster had been broken and I want to thank Oliver Manfredi for the manpower and tools to restretch the chain link. Thanks for the parts needed, Ace Hardware of Gardnerville, and the wood preservative for the sign, Dick's Fuller O'Brien Paint of Gardnerville. Thanks to all of you for giving your time and hard work to help Eileen, the people of Douglas County and myself.

Happy holidays to each of you wonderful, hard working volunteers. Please remember "don't litter" or somebody will have to clean up your mess.

Lura Morrison



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