Teen burglary suspect set to enter plea

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A 19-year-old Johnson Lane man, who turned himself in four months after he and a friend were accused of burglarizing neighbors' houses, is set to plead Dec. 9 and may be sent to a prison boot camp.

Jacob Lacey waived his preliminary hearing in East Fork Justice Court Nov. 26.

His lawyer, Kris Brown, said Lacey was to plead guilty to one count of burglary with a recommendation he be sent to the Department of Corrections regimental discipline camp for six months.

Lacey is charged with burglary and receiving stolen property.

He was sought as a suspect in a series of nighttime burglaries that occurred July 7-16 at residences in Johnson Lane, Wildhorse and Stephanie Way while the occupants slept.

A warrant was issued for Lacey's arrest shortly after he fled the area.

He turned himself in Nov. 17 and has been held in Douglas County Jail on $10,000 bail.

Co-defendant Kyle Liddicoat pleaded guilty to burglary and was sentenced in October to 12 years in Nevada State Prison. He must serve 32 months before he is eligible for parole.

Liddicoat was scheduled for the regimental discipline camp, but turned it down and received the prison sentence.

The program is designed for youthful offenders in lieu of prison. Following successful completion, the defendant is brought back before the sentencing judge and may receive a modified sentence.

According to reports, Douglas County sheriff's Investigator Jon Storke obtained confessions from Liddicoat and Lacey.

The suspects gained access through unlocked windows and doors. Liddicoat admitted breaking into his own house.

During the investigation, Storke discovered that Liddicoat had committed three additional residential burglaries in the Johnson Lane area which were not part of the original case.

Approximately three-quarters of the estimated $10,000 worth of property from all the crimes was recovered and returned to the owners.


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