The R-C Morning Report

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National Weather Service forecasters are predicting the first big storm of the season is coming this way, bringing with it weather a little more suitable for fall, including the possibility of rain, high elevation snow, and the certainty of wind and colder temperatures. We'll wake up to a windy Thursday as a big low rolls into Western Nevada. Depending on what happens, we could see heavy rain Friday night with a snow level falling below 7,000 feet early Saturday morning.

Douglas County's home businesses received notices in the mail this week that they will have to renew their home occupation permits and pay a $25 fee every year. The ordinance requiring renewal of home occupation permits was approved on July 17 by county commissioners. Those residents with an active home occupation permit will receive a renewal form in December. Residents who want to cancel their permit need to cancel their fictitious firm name through the Clerk's Office first.

Enjoy today while the weather's nice. The high temperature is forecast to hit 85 degrees with calm winds until the afternoon when they'll increase to 5-10 mph.

Thursday will be far windier with 30 mph gusts during the day and a high of 77.