n The Datebook is for Carson Valley nonprofit groups. Submit meeting information " time, date, contact numbers " to editor@recordcourier.com, or 782-5121 or by fax, 782-6132.
n Please note: Adding, changing or deleting items in the Datebook is the responsibility of the organizations whose listings appear here.
n Carson Valley Quilt Guild. All quilters welcome to social hour 6:30 p.m., program 7 p.m. fourth Mondays and board meetings 6-8 p.m. first Mondays at Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Road. Information, 267-3440.
n Codependents Anonymous
meetings, 6 p.m. Mondays, at the Family Support Council, 1255 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Free baby-sitting. Deb, 782-8491.
n Community Bible Study, 6:55-8:30 p.m. Mondays at Carson Valley Christian Center, Minden. Information, 265-3373.
n Douglas County Democratic Women meet 11:30 a.m. first Mondays of the month. Information for locations and lunch cost, Katherine Winans, 267-1239.
n Friends of the Library, second Monday, 5:30 p.m., Douglas County Public Library on Library Lane, Minden. 782-9841.
n Gamblers Anonymous, 7 p.m. Mondays at Carson Valley Medical Center administrative building, 1107 Highway 395, Gardnerville, 267-2153.
n Gardnerville Volunteer Fire Department meets 7 p.m. Mondays at the Gardnerville firehouse, 1255 Douglas Ave. New members welcome, 782-2003.
n Hepatitis C and Liver Disease Support Group, third Monday, Carson-Tahoe Hospital Learning Center. 883-3626.
n Red Cross meeting for Douglas and Lyon counties and Carson City is 5:30 p.m. on third Mondays of the month at Fire Station No. 1, 777 Stewart St., Carson City. Information, Michael Hurick, (775) 856-1000.
n American Legion Post No. 4 and Ladies Auxiliary meet 7 p.m. second Tuesdays at the Veteran's Hall, 2nd and Curry streets, Carson City. Information, 267-9456.
n Cancer Support. Carson Valley Medical Center hosts breast cancer support group, 2 p.m. first Tuesday each month, at 1107 Highway 395. Information, 782-1656.
n Caregivers' Support Group, 2-3:30 p.m. last Tuesday, Summerville at Virginia Creek, 1565 Virginia Ranch Road, Gardnerville. Family Support Council, 782-8692.
n Carson Valley Buddhist Meditation Group, 6:30 -8 p.m. Tuesdays. Location information, Constance Alexander, 267-2850.
n Carson Valley Life Member Club of Telephone Pioneers, third Tuesday, various restaurants. Beverly Sutherland, 782-7352.
n Carson Valley Masonic Lodge No. 33 F&AM, 7 p.m. third Tuesday, Masonic Hall on Highway 395, above Cheshire Antiques, Gardnerville. 783-3444.
n Coping Together cancer support group, 7-8:30 p.m. second Tuesday, 913 Mountain Road, Carson City. Partnership of Community Resources, 882-0798.
n Douglas County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Explorers Post 2105, 5:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays at the Minden sheriff's office. 783-6441.
n El Rancho Saddle Club, 7:30 p.m. on first Tuesday of the month at Douglas County Public Library. Members must show five shows per year to qualify. Michele Nalder, 782-5943, Delila Welch, 265-3353.
n Fish Springs Volunteer Fire Department. New volunteers needed, 2249 Fish Springs Road, 7 p.m. Tuesdays or call 782-8859.
n Gardnerville Ranchos Volunteer Fire Department, 7 p.m. Tuesdays, at 941 Mitch Drive. Newcomers 18 and older welcome. Cadet program for ages 14-18. Information, 265-2048 or 265-4442.
n Genoa Town Advisory Board, 7 p.m. on first Tuesday in Genoa Town meeting room. 782-8696.
n Jacks Valley Elementary School Partners in Education, parent-teacher group, 6:30 p.m. first Tuesday of the month in JVES library. Free child care provided. Information, 267-3267.
n Minden Rotary meets for lunch noon Tuesdays at Carson Valley Inn. Information, Woodie Ross, 782-1539.
n National Active and Retired Federal Employees MIN-GARD Chapter 2167, 2-4 p.m. fourth Tuesday on the month, Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane. Information, Don Babb, 265-5549 or Alice McGreal, 783-9223.
n Northern Nevada Pond Club,third Tuesday. New members welcome to learn about home pond management. For location, Mona Coleman, 267-3458.
n Retired Senior Volunteer Program board meeting, second Tuesday, Douglas County Senior Citizens Center. Volunteers needed. Bea Jones, 782-2027.
n Soroptimist International of Carson Valley, a service organization of business women meet for lunch, noon Tuesdays at Two Guys From Italy. 265-5487.
n Support Group. Fountainhead Foursquare Church offers a pregnancy loss support on first Tuesdays of the month at 3690 Highway 395, south of Best Buy. Information, fountainheadcc.org or 267-4488.
n Tahoe Singles, 5 p.m. Tuesdays at Saletti's restaurant. For ages 40 and older. Information, www.tahoesingles.com or Shirley, 782-2427.
n Topaz Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary, 7 p.m. second Tuesday at Topaz Ranch Estates community building. President Kimberly Maxwell, 783-4749.
n VFW Carson Valley Ladies Auxiliary No. 8583 meets 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at Carson Valley United Methodist Church. Information, President Genevieve West, 783-1744.
n Women's Home, Family & Personal Enrichment meetings 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Spruce and Deseret, Minden. 782-7094.
n Yoga Class. 9:15 a.m. Tuesdays and Fridays, Genoa Town Hall. Information, 782-8696.
n Alpine County Democratic Central Committee's no-host dinner meetings, 6 p.m. fourth Wednesdays of the month at Wolf Creek Restaurant, Markleeville.
n Better Breathers, support group for those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, their families and interested parties, 2:25 p.m. fourth Thursday, Carson Valley Medical Center, 1107 Highway 395, Gardnerville. Shannon Cridebring, 782-1626.
n Bible Study, 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the House of Praise, 1219 Service Drive, Gardnerville. Childcare provided. Information, 265-3866 or Pastor George Whorley, 691-5649.
n Carson-Tahoe Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America meets second Wednesdays of the month. Breakfast meetings, 9 a.m every Wednesday, at Danny's Restaurant. Information, Bill Goldman 782-0550, Bill Meglen 265-1683, Gary Butrick 267-0119, George Weller, 782-6785.
n Carson Valley Active 20-30 Club, 7 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays, at old Gardnerville jail behind French Bar, Gardnerville. Marc Menezes, 265-9420.
n Carson Valley Al-Anon meetings, 7 p.m. Wednesdays, at Carson Valley Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville.
n Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m. on third Wednesdays in different locations, 782-8144.
n Carson Valley Desert Brushes 6:30 p.m. second Wednesdays of the month at Johnson Lane Volunteer Fire Department, 1450 Stephanie Way, Minden. Beginning and new painters invited. Information, Ruth, 246-3378.
n Carson Valley Quilt Guild workshops, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays, 2662 Gordon Ave., Johnson Lane area. 267-3232.
n Carson Valley Lions Club, 6:30 p.m. first three Wednesdays, at Sharkey's Rib Room. King Lion Ron Santi, 267-2774.
n Carson Valley Multiple Sclerosis Group, 5:50-6:30 p.m. first Wednesdays of the month at the Carson Valley Medical Center, 1107 Highway 395. Information, Janet Sciarani, 265-0725.
n Carson Valley Toastmasters meet 6:30 a.m. Wednesdays at Taildragger Cafe, Minden. Learn speaking skills and gain confidence addressing a group. Information, 782-3230 or 265-6129.
n Carson Valley Tahoe Singles meet on first Wednesdays of the month at Indigo and third Wednesdays for dinner and dancing. Information, tahoesingles.com or Shirley, 782-2427.
n Dance Lessons. Country western dance lessons, Wednesdays at Genoa Town Hall. Beginners class 6:30 p.m. Intermediate instruction and open dancing until 9:30 p.m. Information, Tom or Donna, 783-0910.
n Diabetes Support Group led by Judy Burkholder, LCSW, DCSW, 10-11:30 a.m. on fourth Wednesdays of the month in the Carson Valley Medical Center administration building or 5:30-7 p.m. in the CVMC diabetes center lobby. Information, 783-3041.
n Douglas County Building Industry Association meets 6 p.m. fourth Wednesday for cocktails and dinner at JT Basque Bar & Dining Room, Gardnerville. 783-1782.
n Douglas County Republican Women Club lunch meeting at Carson Valley Inn, first Wednesday of month. Information, Corky Greer, cornhustercorky1@aol.com, 782-3967.
n Douglas County Sheriff's Mounted Posse meets 6 p.m. second Wednesday of the month at the sheriff's office, Minden. Cerena Cooper, 267-9275.
n Douglas Masonic Lodge, No. 12, F&AM, 7 p.m. second Wednesday, at the Masonic Hall, Genoa. Call 265-7706.
n Douglas High School Music Boosters, 6:30 p.m. first Wednesday, in DHS band room to support the music program through fundraising, chaperoning trips and coordinating music activities. Bill Zabelsky, 782-5136, ext. 1102.
n Grass Roots Cribbage tournament games in Indian Hills, 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Information, Joe 267-5813.
n High Sierra Fly Casters, 6:30 p.m. on third Wednesday at Carson Valley United Methodist Church. Board of directors meet 6:30 p.m. on first Wednesdays at Angler's Edge. President Mike Kingston, 782-4734.
n Inyo-Mono Area Agency advisory board meets 9 a.m. on third Wednesdays at Big Pine, Calif., city hall to assist older adults in Inyo and Mono counties, (760) 873-6364 or (877) 462-2298.
n Kindermusik classes, Wednesdays at the Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department. Register at 782-9828. Information, Shawna Pisciotti, 265-2191.
n Minden-Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670, 8 p.m. first four Wednesdays, 1276 Pit Road, Unit 1, Gardnerville Ranchos. Information, 265-4523.
n MOPS Meeting. Mothers of Preschoolers meets 9-11 a.m. the first and third Wednesday of the month at Carson Valley Christian Center, 1095 Stephanie Way, Minden. Registration, $40. Child care included. Information, cvcwired.com or Jennifer Spohr, 267-4395.
n Partnership of Community Resources network of social service agency representatives and residents who address community needs, 8 a.m. third Wednesday in the Cooperative Extension conference room, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, 782-8611.
n Reach for the Stars, stroke support group, 2-4 p.m. second Wednesdays at the Carson Rehabilitation Center Conference Room, 900 E. Long St., Carson City. Group is open to stroke survivors, caregivers and anyone interested. 882-5845.
n Sierra Nevada Active 20-30 Club meets first and third Wednesdays. Information, Brooke Knopp, (775) 220-9024, www.sierranv2030.org
n Sierra Nevada Republican Women's Club, second Wednesday, lunch. Information, nancyjarvis@charter.net or 267-6937.
n Sierra Nevada Sams RV Club, 1 p.m. first Wednesday of the month November through April at a local restaurant. From May to Oct., first Wednesday of the month at monthly camp-outs. June Bachman at 267-3021 or Neil Konecny at 267-3558.
n Topaz Ranch Estates Sagehens, 1 p.m. third Wednesday, September-May at Topaz Ranch Estates community building. Information, Micki Joye, 266-1025.
n Topaz Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3630, 7:30 p.m. third Wednesday at Topaz Ranch Estates Park building. All eligible veterans welcome. Information, Cmdr. David Wooley, 266-3298.
n Tumbleweed Investment Group, 6:30 p.m. first Wednesdays. Information, 783-9292.
n Women's Home, Family & Personal Enrichment meetings, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6:30 p.m. first Wednesday, Spruce and Deseret, Minden.
n Women's Support Group, 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Family Support Council, 1255 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Free baby-sitting. Information, 782-8692.
n Alzheimer's Support Group, 2 p.m. on second Thursday at Douglas County Senior Center, 2300 Meadow Lane, Gardnerville. Betty Miller, 782-7935.
n Barbershop Harmony Society and the Chorus of the Comstock rehearse 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 901 Beverly Drive, Carson City. Open membership. Rook Wetzel, 885-1480.
n Boy Scouts of America training for Pinenut District scout leaders, 7-8:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month, August through May, at the LDS church, corner of Spruce and Deseret in Minden. Information, Bill Waits, 787-1111.
n Carson Valley Arts Council meets 5:30 p.m. on second Thursdays at 1572 Highway 395 Minden. Information, 782-8207.
n Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, 5 p.m. last Thursday of the month, different locations. 782-8144.
n Carson Valley Footprinter Chapter, third Thursday of the month, except July and December. Information, Ray Hoyt, 267-4355 or Larry Gray, 783-9759.
n arson Valley VFW Post 8583 meets 7 p.m. the second Thursday at the Elks Lodge, 1276 Pit Road, Gardnerville. Ladies Auxiliary meets 7 p.m. at Minden Medical Center. Information, 265-3042 or 782-9464.
n Douglas County Democratic Central Committee meets 7 p.m. on second Thursdays of the month, 1662 Highway 395, Suite 105, Minden. All Democrats welcome. Information, Chairman Gim Hollister, 782-2874.
n Douglas County Historical Society meets 7 p.m. on third Thursdays of the month at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, 1477 Highway 395, Gardnerville. Public invited. Information, 782-2555.
n Douglas County Pop Warner Football, 6 p.m. second Thursday at Coldwell Banker, Minden. Jim Valentine, 782-2205, Debby Platt, 885-4130.
n Douglas County Republican Central Committee, second Thursday at Stateline or Minden law enforcement and judicial centers. Information, Maggie Benz, 782-5078.
n Elks Taco night, 5-7 p.m. on fourth Thursday of the month at the Minden/Douglas Elks Lodge, 1276 Pit Road, Gardnerville Ranchos. Cost, $1 per taco. Information, 265-4523.
n Fellowship for Women, 11 a.m. Thursdays at 1348 Northampton Circle, Gardnerville. Information, 782-4308 or 265-5900.
n Good Vibrations Parkinson's Support Group meets noon-2 p.m. first Thursday, Country Kitchen of Merrill Gardens, Gardnerville. Carol Hathaway, 266-3402.
n Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley, 6:30 a.m. Thursdays at Sharkey's in Gardnerville. President Jerry Northway, 783-9646 or Secretary Mike Henningsen, 782-5807.
n Korean War Veterans Association, Carson City Chapter No. 305, meets 11 a.m. on first Thursdays at the Veterans Memorial Hall, Second and Curry streets in Carson City. Information, 265-2647.
n Marine Corps League, Silver State Detachment, 7:30 p.m. third Thursday, Veterans Hall, 2nd and Curry streets, Carson City. Commander Don Podlas, 265-5951.
n Men's Domestic Violence Intervention Group, 6-8 p.m. Thursdays. For location, Family Support Council, 782-8692.
n Network of Carson Valley, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursdays at Francisco's. Information, 782-7686.
n Prostate Cancer Support Group, 7 p.m. second and fourth Thursdays, 990 N. Minnesota, Carson City. 882-5264.
n Sheridan Volunteer Fire Department meets for training 7 p.m. Thursdays at the firehouse on Centerville Lane and Sheridan Way. Information, 267-5697.
n Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association meets 7 p.m. on third Thursday at Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane. Information, George, 265-4278.
n Sierra Nevada 20-30 Club No. 730, 7 p.m. second and fourth Thursdays, Rancho Grande, 1404 Highway 395, Gardnerville. Offers women 21-39 opportunities for personal growth, friendship, leadership while supporting children. Stacie Hunter, 265-4805.
n Sierra Sagebrush Fliers model airplane group, 7 p.m. first Thursday at Carson Valley United Methodist Church on Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. All ages interested in model airplanes invited. Tom Walters, 530-541-4963.
n Silver State Pony Club meets first Thursday. Mounted meetings, second and fourth weekends. Information, Cynthia Valentine, 267-2666.
n Survivors of Suicide Support Group, 6-7 p.m. on first and third Thursdays at the Partnership of Community Resources, 1528 Highway 395. Family, friends or co-workers invited. Information, 782-8611.
n Take Off Pounds Sensibly, TOPS weight-loss organization, Thursdays. Weigh-ins 8:30-9:15 a.m., meetings 9:30 a.m. at St. Gall Pastoral Center, 1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. Information, 265-5235.
n United Methodist Women, 11:30 a.m. on second Thursday at Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. 782-4600.
n Wandering Wheels motorcycle club meets 6 p.m. second Thursday of the month at Round Table Pizza in Gardnerville. Membership information, Norbert Monohan, 782-5802.
n Women's Home, Family & Personal Enrichment meetings, 6:30 p.m. on first Thursday, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Spruce and Deseret, Minden.
n Vietnam Veterans of America, Carson Area Chapter 388, meets 5:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the Veterans Memorial Hall, Second and Curry streets in Carson City. Information, (775) 687-4632.
n Yoga Class, 8 a.m. Thursdays at Genoa Town Hall. Information, 782-8696.
n Alcoholics Anonymous Roadside Group, 8-9 a.m. Friday, Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. Information, 355-1151.
n Ballroom Dancing. Six-week course for beginners 7 p.m. Fridays at the Dance Workshop. Register at Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department, 782-9828.
n Calvary Kids Club for grades K-6 meets 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fridays at Calvary Chapel, 1004 Dresslerville Road, Gardnerville. Information, 265-3259.
n Carson Valley Al-Anon meets, noon Fridays, at Holy Grounds Coffee Shop, 1267 Highway 395, Gardnerville.
n Carson Valley Art Association, 1:30 p.m. fourth Friday, at Western Nevada College, 1680 Bently, Minden. Information, Ron Clarke, 782-8035.
n Carson Valley Masonic Lodge No. 33 members and Masonic Sojourners, High Twelve luncheon 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Shakey's, Gardnerville. Activities include awarding a WNC scholarship. Information, Vern, 265-2831.
n Carson Valley Sertoma Club meets 6:30 a.m. Fridays for breakfast at Sharkey's Rib Room, Gardnerville. Cindy, 782-6349.
n Codependents Anonymous, noon Fridays, Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. For men, women, teens who desire healthy relationships. 267-4225.
n Fleet Reserve Association and Ladies Auxiliary Fleet Reserve Association, Sierra Tahoe No. 137 meet 6:30 p.m. fourth Friday, Veterans Hall, Second and Curry streets, Carson City. Information, Bud Harris, 267-9592.
n Grandparents as Parents. Family support council classes for grandparents as parents, meets 10-11:30 a.m. the third Friday of the month at the Family Support Council, 1255 Waterloo Lane Gardnerville. Information 782-8692.
n Knights of Columbus bingo nights are second and fourth Fridays of the month at St. Gall Pastoral Center, 1343 Centerville Lane. Doors open 6 p.m. Play starts 7 p.m. Information, Richard Morissette at St. Gall Catholic Church, 782-2852.
n Nevada Association of Porcelain Artists, 10:30 a.m. third Friday, Cooperative Extension office across from Lampe Park. Elinor Skiles, 265-5813 or 265-0039.
n Teen Open Gym for grades 7-12. Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department's free open gym is 7-10 p.m. Fridays at Carson Valley Middle School. Information, 782-9828.
n Aglow Lighthouse of Gardnerville-Minden interdenominational Christian women's group, meets 9:30 a.m. first Saturday at 824 Darkbrush, Dresslerville. Information, Stacy, 527-3497.
n Alcoholics Anonymous newcomers meeting 6 p.m. Saturdays at 1276 Pit Road, Unit 8, Gardnerville Ranchos. Minden-Gardnerville Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous has 30 meetings a week. Information, 265-4460.
n Arthritis Support Group meets on third Saturday for lunch to learn about arthritis. 782-7279 or 883-4548.
n Carson Sierra Weavers and Spinners Guild, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. second Saturday in homes. Debi Benson, 883-7486.
n Chai Sierra Chavurah social group meets 6:30 p.m. third Saturday. Open to all, potluck dinner, speakers. Information, Sandy Osheroff, 885-9917.
n Genoa Volunteer Fire Department meets for training, 9 a.m. to noon, Saturdays. Applications available to anyone age 18 and older interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter in Genoa. No experience required. All equipment provided. Information, 782-4575.
n Moms in Touch International of Carson Valley nondenominational group meets to pray for children, schools, teachers, staff and administration, 8-9 a.m. Saturdays at Carson Valley United Methodist Church. Information, Heidi, 267-2116.
n Nevada Wandering Wheels meet for breakfast 8:30 a.m. fourth Saturday of the month at Jethro's Oven & Grill, 1281 Kimmerling. Information, Norbert Monohan, 782-5802.
n Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association meets 8 a.m. on fourth Saturday for social breakfast at Sharkey's. 265-4278.
n Student-Senior Day on first Saturday of the month at Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, 1477 Highway 395, Gardnerville. Museum tours led by costumed docents, 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m. Free for seniors and students with accompanying adult. 782-2555.
n Teen Open Gym for grades 7-12. Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department's free open gym is 7-10 p.m.Saturday at Pau-Wa-Lu and Carson Valley middle schools. Information, 782-9828.
n Topaz Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3630 pancake breakfast, 8:30-11:30 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of the month at Topaz Ranch Estates Community Park building on Carter Way. Breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, coffee and orange juice. Cost, $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and younger. Information, Cmdr. David Wooley, 266-3298.
n Woodturners Club meets 9 a.m. on third Saturday. Information, Dave Rich, 265-3099 or Al Mason, 266 4071.
n Adult Singles meet on second Sundays for fellowship, lunch or dinner following 10:30 a.m. Unity Church of Today services. Information, 782-4429 or unitychurchoftoday.org.
n Bible Study for all ages, 9 a.m. Sundays at First Baptist Church of Minden-Gardnerville fellowship hall. Information, 782-5513.
n Minden/Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670 monthly pancake and omelet breakfasts, 8:30-11 a.m. on fourth Sundays of the month at 1276 Pit Road, Gardnerville Ranchos. Cost, $5 for adults, $3 for children age 12 and younger. Information, 265-4523.
n Valley Cruisers Car Club, 6:30 p.m. on first Sunday at Douglas County Senior Center for anyone interested in cars 1972 or older. Information, 265-3654 or 265-3739.