Douglas County officials kick off a series of meetings on three proposed options for the Minden-Tahoe Airport use ordinance with a Sept. 2 session at the Topaz Ranch Estates Community Center.
Eight meetings are scheduled throughout the county, with the final workshop Oct. 6 at Pinon Hills Elementary School.
The meetings are 6-8 p.m. A quorum of the county's Airport Advisory Committee may attend, but no action will be taken.
Assistant County Manager Steve Mokrohisky said residents who can't attend the sessions may submit comments online or through the mail.
"We are also scheduling several additional meetings with various neighborhood associations and community groups over the next several months," Mokrohisky said. "The goal of the public workshops and community meetings is to present the three draft options for an airport use ordinance and collect public comments on the draft options."
He said county commissioners will consider public comments in November and may adopt final language for the 2010 ballot as early as December.
The airport received a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration on April 9 stating the county must change the airport facility directory, airport master record and airport layout plan to replace inaccurate information about weight limits.
The reports must reflect the accurate weight limits of 60,000 pounds single-wheel and 75,000 pounds dual-wheel for airport runway 16-34.
If the county doesn't comply, the airport faces discontinued federal funding for airport operations and maintenance; possibility of a federal court case with the FAA; a requirement to continue operating the airport at its current level for the next 20 years without government funding; increased fees and a potential requirement to repay all the federal grant money for continued discrimination against heavier aircraft.
"Our goal throughout this process is to adopt an airport use ordinance in 2010 that accomplishes two objectives: 1) reflects the community's desires for appropriate airport uses; and 2) complies with federal regulations," Mokrohisky said.
"To that end, we want to provide every opportunity for Douglas County residents to voice their opinions on this issue," he said.
Residents are invited to submit comments to: or mail to Minden-Tahoe Airport, 1146 Airport Road, Minden, NV 89423
All meetings are 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 2, Topaz Ranch Estates Community Center, 4001 Carter Way, Wellington;
Thursday, Sept. 10, Genoa Town Hall, 2289 Main St., Genoa;
Tuesday, Sept. 15, CVIC Hall, 1602 Esmeralda St., Minden;
Tuesday, Sept. 22, Stateline Transportation Center, 169 Highway 50, Stateline;
Thursday, Sept. 24, Fire Station No. 7, 940 Mitch Dr., Gardnerville;
Tuesday, Sept. 29, Fire Station No. 12, 2630 N. Sunridge, Carson City;
Wednesday, Sept. 30, Minden-Tahoe Airport, 1146 Airport Road, Minden;
Tuesday, Oct. 6, Pinon Hills Elementary School, 1479 Stephanie Way, Minden.
Additional information on the Federal Aviation Administration compliance issue and the three draft options is available at Information: 782-9871.