Remember when for Aug. 26

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95 years ago

Aug. 28, 1914

Clarence Dangberg went to Reno and closed a deal for the purchase of the Gardnerville garage, which was owned by Mr. Phillips of Verdi. Mr. Dangberg will conduct the Gardnerville establishment in connection with the C.O.D. garage of Minden. A competent mechinist will be placed in charge of the Gardnerville branch and a full stock of auto supplies will be carried.

80 years ago

Aug. 30, 1929

Four hundred cases of honey have been shipped to San Francisco from Carson Valley during the past ten days and other shipments are to follow. The new crop of honey is reported to be of unusually good quality and bee owners report that the crop is above normal in production. Bees are still working and will continue to pile up honey for the next two weeks, it is said.

Practically all of those engaged in the honey industry in this section are increasing the number of hives from year to year and the honey business is becoming an important factor in Carson Valley.

50 years ago

Aug. 27, 1959

Photo caption. Fifi Krueger, a professional model and now an employee at Oliver's Club, Lake Tahoe, who pleasantly surprised officers at the Zephyr Cove sheriff's substation recently when she appeared in her Bikini swim suit to register as a casino employee and be fingerprinted. Miss Krueger posed for Constable W.D. Stambaugh after she was fingerprinted by Deputy Sheriff Eddie Fisher. The officers failed to get any other statistics on Miss Krueger, but they are obviously impressive.

25 years ago

Aug. 23, 1984

The Douglas County Airport has seen more than its share of controversy since it was built for the U.S. Army during World War II, not least of which involved the purchase of land by the county for an expansion before it was even completed.

Expansion is on the minds of many people in the county, and so is controversy as residents prepare to vote in November on an initiative that would allow expansion but would limit essentially to use as a general aviation airport.

Citizens Airport Committee Chairman Virginia Henningsen put the controversy in perspective: "The question is, do we want a general aviation plan including a 30,000-pound (weight bearing) base, or do we want a plan that could eventually lead to a 140,000-pound or basically an unrestricted airport?"

10 years ago

Aug. 25, 1999

Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Manager Bob Spellberg said district workers randomly tested water at 10 residences like they do every month. On Thursday, the test came back showing one house on Bluerock Road was contaminated with E. coli bacteria.

Since that has been announced, and a boil water order put into effect for all residents in the district, Spellberg said his office has been receiving constant phone calls.

A look at past issues of The Record-Courier by Sharlene Irete.


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