Protesting association

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In 1999, I moved to Gardnerville to escape high taxes and the culture that was developing in Southern California. I decided to purchase a house in Chichester Estates. Since I was retired with a fixed income, I insisted to the Realtor that the sale was contingent on there being no common property requiring property owners association fees. I was assured all I was agreeing to when I signed the escrow agreement, was that I would abide by the rules of the covenant. This was fine with me and for 10 years I was not charged any fees, and saw no sign of the existence of an property owners association. Starting about the beginning of 2009, a person in Minden, calling themselves the Chichester POA, began mailing me bills for the maintenance of the landscaping of Chichester Estates.

I told this person that I was assured that Chichester had no common property, and that I would not pay this fee. I was told the property in question was the landscaping along the north side of Toler from the elementary school to Stodick Park, also the landscaping on both sides of Gilman Avenue from Heritage Park to the pond at Chichester Road. The properties in question are outside


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