Merry Christmas to all

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On this Christmas Day 2009, we look back to a simpler time.

Seventy years ago, R-C Editor and Publisher Bert Selkirk wrote the following about the Valley.

In the seven decades since, we feel that many things have changed about this place, but the sentiment Selkirk expresses is one we hope our readers will appreciate.

May you and yours have the very merriest of Christmases.

"This is the time of the year when hearts are a little more mellow and kindness surges upward and overwhelms petty hate that we may at other times harbor for others. It is the most natural thing in the world to promote kindness and give thought to the happiness of others at Christmas-time. The spirit of Christmas, after all, dwells within every human breast and throughout this peaceful land of ours rings the words of the heavenly hosts, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'

"Since the night that the Star of Bethlehem heralded the birth of our Savior, to this day, Christian people of the world have rejoiced.

"We of the Carson Valley thank God for the bounties that have been bestowed upon us; and for enduring friendships that bind our citizens together into a community of home-loving, God-fearing citizens. May your Christmas be most happy is the sincere wish of The Record-Courier."


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