Republic's been dead for years

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Much has been written in letters to the editors, pro and con, about government overstepping its constitutional limitations as outlined in the simple English language of the work of years, and study by James Madison for example, but in truth what is now upon us is the same result expressed in centuries of self-rule republics.

Our well though out system died several decades ago, but just hasn't been given a decent burial.

When did this all start?

Well, we exist under the fundamentally fascistic system established by Wilson, and FDR that has now been given over to a Marxist, but the problem cannot be identified as Republican or Democrat, but rather is totally defined by corruption.

Fidelity to the Constitution disappeared many decades ago.

Something happens to the elected when they arrive in Washington, they mostly are not the intellectual elite to begin with, and they become seduced by power.

We put them there and in the end we have failed our duty as voters to hold them to their intended purpose.

A late journalist referred to the American voting mass as "Gadarene Swine." He may be correct.

Vernon Latshaw
