It has been well over a month since our little dog, Bodie, went missing. In the simple fact that we have no two-legged children, Bodie's disappearance has been heart crushing for us. But something truly wonderful has come from this experience.
In today's day and age, it is very easy to fall into the societal trend that causes us to feel that we are alone with our troubles and that no one really cares for anyone but themselves. The moment we made the news of Bodie's disappearance public, out of nowhere, our phone started ringing, e-mails started coming in, and folks began knocking on our door.
We noticed flyers posted in locations that we, ourselves, had not reached. Total strangers contacted us to say, "we are praying for you and we'll keep our eyes open for Bodie." We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. The caring and prayers of our neighbors (some calling from Sacramento, Fallon, and even Oregon) has lifted our heavy hearts in such a tremendous way.
We are grateful that through such an emotional experience to receive such hard-fact proof that people are caring and good. The truth is that most folks don't walk around with a sign pinned to their shirts proclaiming, "I care about you!" the opportunity to show they care must present itself - and it has - and they have. God bless you all.
Oh yes, if you see our little rascal, please stick a bow on his head and place him under our Christmas tree. We do miss him so very much. Merry Christmas.
Paul and Lois Howell
Topaz Ranch Estates