Thanks for the gifts

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The Young At Heart Senior Citizens Club and Douglas County Senior Center would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all of those who helped with and made contributions toward providing Christmas presents to our county's Meals on Wheels recipients and homebound seniors.

The outpouring of presents and money to buy gifts by individuals, schools, casinos, retailers, businesses, churches and service organizations was outstanding and too numerous to list here. These gifts were delivered to the homes of 134 seniors with the help of the Douglas High School Key Club students, Young At Heart volunteers and Douglas County Meals on Wheels drivers and homemakers.

The gifts were supplemented by handmade colorful greeting cards provided by students from Gardnerville Elementary School. Some of the most outstanding gifts were handmade by senior center volunteers.

Each senior received a bag full of presents and there is no doubt by their reactions that they really appreciated both the gifts and the holiday cheer. In some instances these were the only Christmas presents which these seniors received.

At a time when charities have declined, it was wonderful to see that the citizens of Douglas County responded so generously to this cause.

Paul Lockwood, president

Young at Heart Senior Citizens Club


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