Thanks from the photo club

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Many thanks to everyone who helped make 2009 such a successful year for the fledgling Carson Valley Photo Club. The list is too long, but there are a few who deserve special mention.

A ceremonial click of the shutter to The Record-Courier for publishing stories and winning photos every month.

Kudos to Pam Brekas, who served as vice president and orchestrated the very successful and-first ever club photography show. Take Your Best Shot was held at Copeland Cultural Arts Center and featured the superb works of 30 member photographers.

Thanks to my other fellow officers: treasurer Tamyra Crossley, secretary Pricilla Forster, and board members Ron Darr and Ray Moore.

Moore also facilitated several critique sessions.

Thanks also to the many speakers and presenters, including The Record-Courier's Shannon Litz.

With the new year comes a new slate of club officers, and I wish them well: president Doug Dill, vice president David Coon (who started the club in 2006), secretary Merry Muller and treasurer Darlene Dill.

It's been an honor to serve as president of the Carson Valley Photo Club this past year.

Pat Stanley

2009 president

Carson Valley Photo Club


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