Thank you to everyone in town and many from out of town who bought tickets for "Hotel Minden" Our melodrama was a huge success, making a lot of money for our two museums in what isn't the best of economies. We are so very grateful.
Thanks to the cast for the superb job they did. Thanks to director Sue Smith, the writer John Smith and the stage manager and technical crew. Thanks to our piano player and our between acts singer.
Thanks to all the volunteers who provided food, made the food, served the food, did the dishes, tended the bar, set up and tore down the tables and chairs and performed all those other chores necessary for such a successful production.
Thanks especially to all those who donated things for the melodrama. Thanks to the 50-50 raffle committee and to those raffle winners who generously donated their winnings back to our Douglas County Historical Society fundraiser. And a special thanks to the Minden-Douglas Elks who serve the best hot dog lunch in town every year.
For those of you who may have missed this year's melodrama, John Smith has promised us another one next year. Stay tuned. We'll keep you updated here in this column.
If you are at a loss for something to do next, consider entering our February photo contest. We need photos of what you think of when you think of February in Douglas County. Enter your best photos at the Gardnerville museum or by e-mail at by 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28.
Coming up is our Women In History reception on March 28. You can enter the woman of your choice for inclusion with this year's honorees. Contact the museum at 782-2555 or Helen Chappell at 782-2643. Deadline for nominations is 4 p.m., March 6.
If you are hopelessly hooked on drama, we will be featuring a reprise of our reading theater production of "Portrait of a Pioneer Lady" on Student-Senior Day on March 7. The performances will be held in the downstairs meeting room at 11 a.m. and again at 1 p.m. This short play gives a picture of life in Carson Valley in the mid- to late 1800s.
The March 12 lecture series will feature Sue Ann Monteleone from the Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs. Monteleone is registrar for the department of history at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City. She will be speaking about Dat So La Lee, renowned Washoe basket maker.
If you have any questions about anything mentioned here, please call the Douglas County Historical Society at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in Gardnerville at 782-2555.
Visit our Web site at Remember, DCHS and its two museums, the Gardnerville museum and the Genoa Court House Museum, do not receive any regular state or county funding. It's up to our members and friends to help us keep our doors open.
n Contact Ellen Caywood at or at 790-1565.