Having fun keeping fit

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by Sharlene Irete


Four ladies play tennis at Lampe Park on a court partially shaded by a pine tree at 8:15 a.m. July 1. The temperature is in the low 70s.

The foursome is decades older than the young women dressed in new tennis duds taking lessons in the next court. Older, but miles smoother.

"That's because we've all been playing for a number of years," said Mary Laursen, 84.

"Let 'em guess how many," said Barbara White, 76.

The four have almost 150 years of tennis experience between them. Some played U.S. Tennis Association team tennis. There are probably some trophies on shelves at home.

The ladies stick to the rules, but don't play cutthroat. They play their positions on the court and don't hog the ball. They're polite, but there's still a sense of competition.

"Good shot," said Karen Figueroa, 51.

The players hustle to make shots but don't kill themselves trying to get there. And sometimes it's not very important to get there.

"Oh yeah," Mary said as she watched a ball blow by her.

While cursing can be heard coming over from a neighboring court, on court No. 4 the women stick to "Sorry," "You're a brat," "That would have been killer," and "Bummer!"

Although Barbara can good-naturedly heckle the men who, one by one, walked through their game to get to the opposite court. "Come on you old guys - run!" she said.

The Carson Valley residents get together to play tennis two or three times a week, year round.

"We've been known to dig snow off the courts to play," said Mary.

Besides playing tennis for fun and exercise, they said they keep active and fit walking and gardening. Karen also does English horse riding and training.

At one time or other, each of the women used to play tennis five to six days a week.

"We used to be young and more competitive," said Barbara, who just got back to playing her regular three days a week after having shoulder surgery.

"I love to play," said Trudi Tudor. "I like to run and hit the ball. Hard."