Still trying to out Obama

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As many of your readers will verify, I have spent considerable time attempting to out Barack Obama.

Obama's mother, father and stepfather were extreme liberals (the latter two being Muslims the sons of whom are assumed to be Muslims). His stepfather had him admitted to a Catholic school as an Indonesian Muslim. His tutor while in Hawaii was Frank Davis an outspoken Communist. By his own admission he spent his college years (the financing of which is a mystery) associating with liberal faculty and liberal friends. After graduation he went to Chicago and spent 20-plus years in church with Rev. Jeremiah Wright "hating America," bonded with Bill Ayers (who helped bomb the Capitol, Pentagon and Police Headquarters in NYC), Tony Rezko a local thug (on his way to jail) who financed his home, and thoroughly immersed himself in local politics. From this septic tank he rose immaculately as a Democrat Messiah.

His history in the Illinois Senate is remarkable in that he is not only a proponent of third term abortion but that he supports allowing a surviving baby to die. He has advocated prosecuting a man that defended his family because he used a gun. His voting record in the U.S. Senate is to the left of Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton, Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, etal. Upon assuming office he ordered the closure of Gitmo (without a plan on how to do so), by executive order rescinded Congressional authority to resume offshore exploration and drilling for our own natural resources, and insanely required that captured terrorists be given Miranda rights, compromising military intelligence, at the cost of American lives. He has unconstitutionally intervened in the auto industry, the banking industry, the insurance industry, and now seeks to impose Dr. Obama's national health plan. When abroad he denigrates our nation while pandering to our enemies and offending our allies. He has turned the "Oval Office" into the offal office.

Dick Witzig
