Video game thief gets 12-30 months in prison

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A 21-year-old Carson City man who admitted trading stolen video games, equipment and a power drill for heroin lost his probation Monday and was ordered to serve 12-30 months in Nevada State Prison.

"You've been given numerous chances," said District Judge Michael Gibbons. "You've got to take full responsibility. I can't extend it (probation) again."

Timothy Newman still faces charges in Carson City for probation violations.

He completed the regimental discipline boot camp run by the state corrections department, but was kicked out of drug court and arrested for new drug charges.

The victim told deputies last year she awoke April 26, 2008, in her Gardnerville Ranchos residence and discovered the items were missing. Some of the items turned up in the jail property of another man who was arrested on drug charges. She knew Newman through other acquaintances.

In admitting the new allegations, Newman told Gibbons he turned 21 in March, "made a mistake, and went out and got high."

He said he continued to use after the relapse.

"I'm sorry for letting you and the courts down. I was hanging around the wrong people. It was kind of stressful, I didn't have a car and my mom wasn't doing well," Newman said.


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