The current chaos in Mexico, particularly along our southern border, should cause a second look to be taken at our alleged war on drugs.
I served in three wars and in all of them, large numbers of our enemies died. The only people I see dying in this one are the drug traffickers who kill each other in turf wars and the poor souls who find themselves addicted for one reason or another.
Our state and federal prisons are bulging at the seams with drug pushers, to the extent that some states are being forced to release prisoners early. Guess what they'll be doing when back on the street?
I'd like to suggest a new tack. Our government might want to send a delegation to the People's Republic of China to find out why they have almost no illicit drug problem. The answer will only be repugnant to drug traffickers and the ACLU.
In China, drug pushers are brought before a court and, if found guilty, are summarily executed. I'm sure there are many parents who've lost children to this scourge that would be more than happy to help send the pushers to their reward. I lost two distant cousins to drugs in the '60s. I'll even provide my own gun.
There is one irrefutable fact about the death penalty. It cures recidivism.