Conservatives showing signs of desperation

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On Jan. 21 of this year, Limbaugh the Looney publicly stated, "I hope he (Obama) fails."

In the March 16 issue of Time, David Von Drelhe castigated Democrats challenging this diatribe as, "standing by the president, right or wrong." He missed the mark by a mile. Hoping for the Obama stimulus package to fail is simply not a legitimate criticism of the president, but a sign of just how bankrupt the whole conservative movement has become.

The GOP is in such shambles that the only way some see for survival is an ongoing economic catastrophe they can blame on Obama and the Democrats.

Frank Schaeffer, in the Huffington Post said: "There is something worse going on than a fat stupid man shooting his mouth off ... mark my words: in the next few years the more President Obama succeeds, the more shrill and demented Limbaugh, Coulter, and the rest of the rabid crowd will get."

Yes this man touts an audience of 20 million. That still leaves 287,824,640 (July 2008 estimate) of us folks who will have none of his malevolence.