Play poker for a good cause Saturday in Walker

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At 7 p.m. Saturday at the Walker Community Center, our local Relay for Life team, the Antelope Valley Survivors, will hold the first of their scheduled Poker Nights to raise funds to fight cancer. It is such a fun evening, even if you aren't an expert at playing poker, and there is no question that it is for a great cause. Please try to come and support our group's efforts.

Speakers contest

At 2 p.m. Saturday, March 28 at the Walker Community Center, the Lions Club will host the finals of the Sierra region speakers contest. Our area's winner, Andrew Oliveira, will compete against the winner from Inyo County for a chance to move on to the state championship. These kids are really good speakers and have researched their subject, "Water " Will California Be Left High and Dry?" very well.

Pasture golf April 4

Saturday, April 4, is the date for the Antelope Valley Lions Club's ninth annual tournament. The event will be at the Baldo Giorgi ranch on Topaz Lane, one mile east of Highway 395. The cost is $25 per person, which includes a lunch to die for, as well as great company to spend your time with. You can have your own foursome or be teamed up with other players, so call Dave at (530) 495-2822 or Clint at (530) 495-2935 to get any information. Sign-ups will take place that morning from 8 to 9 a.m. All proceeds will go to the Lions Club's scholarship fund for Coleville High School graduates. Hope to see you there.

Coleville Library

Olga Gilbert has let me know that they will be hosting a game night Friday, April 3, from 3 to 6 p.m. for kids from the ages of 8 to 18. The library will supply some great video games for the fun. Sign up at the Coleville Library to participate.

The library also has story hour on Thursday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. for 5- and 6-year-olds. The kids are really enjoying the stories and the crafts that follow.

ATV Jamboree

It isn't too early to start planning for this: three days of rides for all levels of experience on ATVs, including one overnight trip. Get detailed information at Those who participated last year raved about it, so it is sure worth looking into.

Unwelcome visitor

A couple of weeks ago, at 2 a.m., I heard my cat yowling like I had never heard him do before, so I got up to see what was wrong with him. When I got to the living room, I saw him looking out the sliding doors, so I crouched down to see what he was seeing. To say the least, I was really surprised and shocked to see a mountain lion calmly walking along the rail of our deck. When I turned the lights on, he jumped the more than 10 feet from the railing to the ground. The next morning, my husband spotted several large paw prints by our house. Ugh! Please be sure your animals are safe at night, since they are fair game to these predators.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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