March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month

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March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and I want you to be aware of the cancer fact.

If you are 50 or older, you are at risk for colon cancer, even with no symptoms or family history of the disease. So, please get tested for colon cancer. Finding it early could save your life. So let me tell you a true story to emphasize that point.

At the age of 35, Mary was diagnosed with colon cancer. The year was 1938. She was one of the first to be treated with cobalt treatments at the Mayo clinic. Mary watched what she ate and took care of herself and she lived to be over 94.

Early detection screenings are saving lives nationwide. So, get your colonoscopy scheduled soon. If you have any family history, consult your doctor about when you should have the test. There is a colon screening video, reminder, and e-cards available at Simply select "Support Programs & Services" section, to find out about this and many other invaluable resources.

Corky Goldade



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