Voters remain ignorant

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Giving Richard Frost due credit for his stated perceptions of the wit of the District of Corruption folk, I would offer a run at his question, "Just how stupid do the beltway insiders think we are?"

In the first instance, they know that we, the voters, are a card short of a full deck because we collectively keep sending them back there, and there are several reasons for such idiocy.

The most prominent reason is the confirmed hold that all of the English majors in the media hold over the public. They consider themselves intellectually superior to the common herd, and there may be something persuasive in that thought given that the media tells everyone how to think, and vote. There is precious little intelligent searching, and decision making by the herd as witness the firm endorsement of the Marxist kid who now collects his mail at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

We are only now seeing the onset of capitalism's destruction that is couched in terms of its support. People are buying into that deception Mr. Frost, so is it any wonder that D.C. politicians do indeed consider the herd stupid? I give you two treasonous senators " Kennedy and Kerry. They are free from prosecution because of constitutional protection, but the Massachusetts voters remain ignorant.

Vernon Latshaw
