Try becoming legal first

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This letter is in response to an article in the Nevada Appeal on March 5, 2009, about workshops to be held at Western Nevada College to guide Hispanics into college. Lupe Ramirez, director of student services at the college talking about the workshops stated they were for parents and high school students to learn the basic steps to become a college student.

The article talks about one would-be student who said it is his best dream to go to college. But because he's an illegal immigrant he fears that his dream, like others before it, will pass him by. He said he watched his friends get their drivers licenses, get scholarships, and go to college and he felt left out.

Lupe Ramirez of student services at WNC said, "These people can come to the college regardless of residence or status in the country and apply for scholarships in-house where no Social Security number is required." This student who is undocumented in this country said this is where he grew up, because his family came here when he was 10. He said "he wanted to apply for citizenship but was afraid he would be sent back to Mexico. They just can't send me back, I am an American."

He sounds like a good kid, but for one thing, as in his own words, he is not here legally. What is it that people don't understand about if you are not here legally, you have broken the law?

It also sounds like the college is going to help these people who should have a visa to go to school here get in through the back door.

So, if I get this right, the institution of higher education is going to be a sanctuary school, which I guess would make Carson City a sanctuary city, and Nevada a sanctuary state.

You wonder why our city, county and state budgets are broke.

It is because of all the welfare cases, free medical and help for the illegal immigrants within the system. Yes, if this student is allowed to go to college he will be able to get a better job, one that a legal American either born here or who legally immigrated here could have.

The scholarships that will go out to illegal immigrants will take away from our legal children or grandchildren. With the spending going on within the government right now these kids will not be able to afford college because their paycheck will be paying off the debt our government has put us into.

Much of this debt is helping cover housing, medical, food and jobs for illegal immigrants.

I have a suggestion for Antonio, the young man in the article. If you really want to become a citizen of the U.S. go down to the recruiter's office and check into enlisting into one of our military organizations, i.e. the Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force or Coast Guard. Then after you complete your enlistment they will help you go to any school of higher education and probably let you fast track to citizenship. That could solve your problem and show the citizens you really want to become a true American. Good luck.

Bill Sweetwood

Carson City


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