Dejà vu? The 1930s " A foreign leader with hypnotic, fascinating, rambling speeches on the masses and utter fear in others with the ultimate goal for power and domination.
In the 1930s an American president in a national depression dilemma and an attempt to introduce a socialist agenda only to be stopped by World War II, the Chicago gangs and political crooks of the '30s.
2008 - A return of Chicago political misfits and a coronation of a dynamic golden tongue politician inaugurated into the White House on the platform of "change."
Obama - Share prosperity. We must have transparency. No lobbyists in my administration. Open door policy. No part of my budget will escape scrutiny. Honest accounting of my first budget.
My administration inherited $1 trillion deficit (two years under democratic control). UN asking for millions for stimulus package. Attorney General Eric Holder. "America - a nation of cowards."
Clinton attended an international conference in Egypt to discuss reconstruction in Gaza. Obama's administration likely to commit nearly $1 billion American for humanitarian and rebuilding aid to the Palestinian authority, which by the way is controlled by Hamas.
Rights to keep and bear arms amendment to the Constitution - Article 2 again being attacked by a new bill (HR) introduced into the house referred to as the "Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sales Act of 2009." thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.45, www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h45/show, www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-45.
Interviewed on television, Pelosi was asked by CNN interviewer "you are sure no pork, earmarks, bridges to nowhere or phony deals are in this stimulus bill?" Pelosi answered right hand held up as swearing to tell the truth, "I can pledge to you that no earmarks of any description will be in the economic package."
Rescinding portion of abortion bill allowing doctors whose religious faith teaches life begins at conception to refuse performing an abortion procedure.
The White House plans to exert control over the U.S. Census. The reason? The census decides electoral college composition (favors Democrats).
Sen. Dodd's sweetheart deal with Countrywide.
The war on terrorism cost is peanuts compared to 14 reasons $338.3 billion a year is spent on illegal aliens includes welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, free school lunches and 10 other reasons to raise one's blood pressure.
Oh, there are other goodies, but just one more, such as muffling the view points of the opposition.
This administration's lack of leadership and arrogance has replaced common sense.
Quote of the day: "Americans grew tired of being thought to be dumb by the rest of the world, so they went to the polls and removed all doubt."
William Lepore Sr.