Why bail out failing business?

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I am tired of being pilloried by the government. Why are the administration "bailing out" businesses that fail through mismanagement and greed? Why should working taxpayers be the source of this revenue?

In addition to taking a hit in retirement, health care and increased taxes and service fees the government actually believes that they should try and spend their way out of a financial crisis and expand social programs; it is beyond stupid.

The value of the dollar is falling and the average American has lost 20 percent of the value of their wealth, (savings, retirement or home investment); it's actually closer to 35-plus percent when you figure in the anemic value of the dollar.

Based on Geithner and Berneke's performance yesterday in front of the congressional committee it's pretty obvious the Obama administration doesn't have a handle on the economic problem or the solution.

How about we use our FICO scores as a rating or qualifying benchmark to see who should be entitled to any government money or benefits?

The higher your score the higher you move up on the list.

The FICO score is readily available online in minutes and it's a pretty good indicator of how well you manage your debt obligations.

I should be rewarded for paying my bills and investing in America.

If we're going to socialize medicine when I go to the doctor my FICO score should determine how much I pay; if you don't have a FICO score you'll have to pay for the visit.

When it's time to collect my social security or Medicare my FICO score should move me up or down the list of benefits and payments and once again people without FICO scores or low scores would be entitled to benefits on a sliding scale.

People who invested in America and worked and paid their bills, taxes and obligations should be rewarded, not punished, for being good productive Americans.

The whole financial "bailout" and this really isn't a proper term because it indicates an end to the problem, should set aside the good Americans with high FICO scores and protect or even reward them for being good citizens who invested properly and took responsibility for their debts and obligations.

So since the administration and all the financial wizards of the Obama regime believe so strongly in paying trillions of dollars to those who ransacked our economy and now want to shore them up with taxpayer money, how about if they pay the taxpayers their FICO score in dollars each month tax free for the life of the stimulus plan?

I'm not asking for billions of dollars like AIG; I just want some recognition and reward for investing in America being gainfully employed and paying my bills and taxes since I was in my teens.

Does this sound more or less reasonable than throwing trillions of dollars at businesses that failed our country?

Michael Hayes



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