Real war to be fought is spiritual war

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Conservative politicians say we are in a culture war. That there are serious disagreements in our nation is apparent but the ongoing controversy in society, in reality, extends beyond boundaries, politics, and culture. The Bible does not use modern terms because these terms are renamed every few years in hopes new names for old problems will resolve them. The culture war is basically a new name for the age-old struggle between good and evil and even though everyone professes hope for the ultimate triumph of good over evil, there is no agreement in what is good. This universal conflict in Scripture is more explicitly referred to as a "spiritual war." Especially in passages like St. Paul's Epistle of Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual hosts of wickedness (demons and evil spirits)."

The reality of a spiritual war in our present world helps explain what is otherwise inexplicable but more importantly, dictates radically different principles, strategies and weapons than those used in human conflict. The fact is good people with good motives often beat the air using all their energy fighting the wrong battle and the wrong enemy. Since the great human struggle is against invisible wicked spirits it is not very effective to spend all our time and energy arguing and negotiating with flesh and blood alone.

In war, the essential component for developing a strategy for victory is intelligence and correct information. Too often, in the spiritual war, intelligence consists of human opinion occasionally supported by lofty political rhetoric. Unfortunately, this kind of intelligence has not much credibility or power, and is of little use in the spiritual battle against Satan no matter how convincing or loud the words of proponents.

Jesus uses light and darkness as a powerful metaphor to contrast truth and error " factual information from misinformation. For example, He uses this metaphor in His words recorded in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

The insight of the followers of Jesus Christ in world affairs is quite remarkable considering the complex issues of the world that even professional wise men don't seem to have the foggiest clue. There are three important things the light of Jesus Christ reveals. First, any accurate spiritual intelligence in the struggle of good and evil must come from the Holy Spirit. Secondly, any victory over the powers of evil is achieved by using the spiritual weapons described in the Word of God. (Ephesians 6:13-18) Thirdly, those who long for good to prevail can confidently expect final and permanent victory over evil and war at Christ's second coming.

Gene Holman is pastor of Living Word Fellowship and is a member of the Carson Valley Ministers' Association.


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