Inquiring minds want to know

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My "inquiring mind" was piqued by Steve Lang's letter to the editor, (R-C letters May 20, 2009 "Is Trigg qualified?") about Cindy Olivas Trigg's and her husband's finances and whether she is qualified to run for a seat in Congressional District 2. Mr. Lang, I am very sorry you spent all that time researching your letter and you still had questions. I found the answers in just seconds. Next time try calling Cindy Olivas Trigg. She is very personable and open about her situation. Or you could have gone to a Douglas County School District Board of Trustees meeting over which Cindy presides. Or you could have e-mailed her through the Douglas County School District Web site (which also has her phone number). Or best of all, you could have just read The Record-Courier article on May 14, 2009, entitled "Candidate says meltdown put her home in jeopardy."

Cindy Olivas Trigg not only answered whether the properties belonged to herself and her husband, but she explained why they are listed in the articles you mentioned. Mr. Lang, don't worry, Cindy is working on her property issues. Some other interesting things I found out about Cindy Olivas Trigg is that she is a daughter of a Korean combat veteran, is married to a Vietnam combat veteran, is mother to a son who has just joined the Navy and believes in the rights of gun owners. I also found out she feels the "No Child Left Behind" legislation has left Nevada's students behind. I even found out she has a campaign Web site,

Mr. Lang, on the question of whether Cindy Olivas Trigg is qualified to represent us in the U.S. House of Representatives, it is my opinion she is more than qualified. Would you rather have someone representing us that was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, or do you want someone who is experiencing what most Nevadans are experiencing and can empathize with their constituents? In closing, next time you are wondering about Cindy Olivas Trigg, please call her, she is more than willing to talk to you or any person or group about any questions, concerns, or just her vision of what a Representative for Congressional District 2 should be doing for all Nevadans.

Paul Belt



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