Tierney has it backwards

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I read with interest Kevin Tierney's diatribe against all conservatives and listeners of Fox News commentators Limbaugh and the "Limbaugh wannabes" Hannity, O'Reilly and Levin. Mr. Tierney says he is getting "extreme enjoyment" reading and watching "us losers." That's nice but does he remember how spending got out of hand after the 2006 elections when Pelosi and Reid promised transparency? Has he forgotten how the stimulus bill (what a non-sequiter) was passed in secrecy without any opportunity for the Republicans to see all the pork this monstrosity contained; a bill so ludicrous not one member of our overpaid legislators had an opportunity (or even bothered) to read it. How many of these ridiculous measures will really stimulate employment? It's one giant leap to socialism, pure and simple.  Why should I give my allegiance to a man who 1) refuses to provide a bona-fide birth certificate, proving his eligibility for Office of President, 2) locks his university records from sight, 3) deliberately snubs our friends the Israelis but opens our borders to the Palestinians who danced with joy on 9-11 and 4) had one of the most liberal records of any of our 50 senators during his brief tenure in those august halls. I suspect Mr. Tierney prefers to watch Keith Olberman of MSNBC, a failed sportscaster and a character assassin who couldn't report without bias if his life depended upon it. Mr. Tierney is correct on one count. Fox News is entertaining, but unlike the liberal media, it does usually offer both sides of an issue. Oh, in answer to Mr. Tierney's questioning how Obama, with all his questionable past came to be elected, try a very liberal and biased media who have totally failed in their responsibility as guardians of the free press.

Robert Uhrey
