Well I guess the so-called Speaker of the House should get a new title: "The Liar of the House." She ought to be impeached, but with a Democraticc Congress that will never happen.
She says she wasn't briefed about waterboarding. The CIA has a different story and records to prove it. Let's put her under oath and if she insists to keep on lying it would be her last day in government. On second thought they ought to do the same to Harry Reid, to our tax-cheating Secretary of the Treasury and maybe even to the guy in charge of all of them. Our government is out of control. They would have impeached Nixon for a lot less then what our government is doing today.
Wake up America.
Take control of your government. Re-claim your Constitution. Abolish our Gestapo, the IRS and replace it with a fair tax. Our founding fathers never wanted an income tax, they favored a consumption tax instead because they knew an income tax gives too much power to the government. Again I say: Wake up America, take back your country. It is not big business that is killing you, it is big government.
Dieter Hoffmann
Coleville, Calif.