Remembering our heroes on Veterans Day

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Let us remember all our veterans today, all our fallen heroes and those serving now. We continue to live in a country that allows freedom of speech, religion, and we have so many more rights than many other countries do not have.

This is because of the fine service members who have put their lives on the line day after day to keep it this way.

Next time you see someone in uniform, thank them, it only takes a moment. If you have met someone that has served, thank them as well.

I see many veterans proudly wearing baseball caps with their branch of service.

These fine men and women should be proud they have and are doing what many of us could not do.

It is because of them that we live in a country we are all proud of. I thank you all. You truly are heroes and you deserve to be remembered today and every day for your unselfish sacrifices.

Anna Bishow
