It was a great season for Tiny Mite White squad, which ranges in age from 5 to 7 years old.
They started out with a strong start with a 3-0 record beating the Wolf Pack,
Cardinals and Carson White. They fell short to Ravens Black, Steelers and Patriots and picked up a win against South Lake Tahoe and a final win against the Patriots last Friday night, finishing with an overall record of 5-3 for the young new team.
The team consists of 19 players: Nathan Patton, Lee Milan, Luke Ackermann, Treyton Ryan, Martin Cariaga, James Hubbard Jr., Cameron Davidson, Evan Simpson, Trevor Middaugh, Zack Bailey, Jakota Wass, Gabe Foster, Chandler Starkey, Dylan Thun, Jacob Miller, Jared Miller, Elijah Mendoza, Justin Wood and Leo Alaniz.
The team was coaches by Darren Murry, Nathan Ackermann, Jeremy Davidson, Matt Miller, Rich Bailey and Donnie Middaugh.