These are the changes that I recommend to be enacted by our so-called government.
All congress, the president, all government employees should contribute to Social Security. Their fair share according to wages received and also be the first to be assigned the national universal socialist health plan to get it going and work out all the problems with it.
Put Social Security back into its own separate account and take it from the general fund.
Cap all employees' pay that get paid by tax money at $100,000 a year from the president on down to the lowest paid government employee, with a $50,000 travel allowance.
Trade their health plan into the veteran's system and put them last on the waiting list behind the 900,000 veterans on the veteran's waiting list.
I do not understand why, if these systems are so good for our country, our congress doesn't accept them for themselves.
After all of this is accomplished, then ask the general public if they would like to join the system.
Bob Stevenson