Senior education fair coming

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Three churches and an organization for retirees are sponsoring a senior education fair 6-8 p.m. Tuesday in Gardnerville.

The event is the result of a partnership between St. Gall Catholic Church, Carson Valley United Methodist Church, First Baptist Church of Minden-Gardnerville, and Nevada Alliance for Retired Americans.

The event will be held at the St. Gall Pastoral Center, 1343 Centerville Lane, at no cost with light refreshments.

Guest speakers representing the legal, medical and non-profit community will be present.

There will be information provided about legal issues guardianship, wills, trusts and power of attorney.

An explanation on Nevada's new laws, questions about medical issues such as getting flu shots, and warning signs about suicide among seniors.

There will also be representatives with senior care information.

Organizers said that seniors make up the largest growing population in Douglas County and in Nevada is seniors. This will become even more apparent when the baby boomers retire.

For information or anyone interested in free booth space should contact RoseMary Womack at (775) 220-7400.