Spend dollars on education

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Over the last five decades, I have watched this country's academic performance drop from first in the world to 30th. During that period we have constantly been No. 1 in the world in dollars spent per pupil. Without exception, those in the education business have said "just send us more money and we will do better." This is classic insanity, to keep doing the same thing and expecting better results.

So motivated by my enormous property tax bill of which 20 percent is tossed directly into the education system, none of which directly benefits me or my family; I have thought about this situation which is continuing to deteriorate. Granted the education business is encumbered by many outside forces such as enrolling students who, at best, are a disruption to learning and three months of summer vacation for a long ago forgotten purpose. However I have learned a part of the discrepancy between dollars and performance is that too much money is spent on too many items that do not enhance the educational output, student performance.

As I have been led to believe, the Douglas school board has decided to drug test high school students participating in extracurricular activities especially sports. What a wonderful idea. I am sure that the students will refrain from twittering and texting each other during class and thereby diminish their collective performance. So if the testing is not a disruption, then shall we be led to believe that it will improve performance? Yes, and tomorrow cows will fly over Carson Valley. It seems that the Douglas County School Board should be subject to mandatory drug testing.

Please do not assume that this is a lunatic condoning the illegal use of drugs, steroids or alcohol. Rather this is a person who has the idea that education dollars should be spent on education not on activities which do not contribute to the educational performance. If the student is performing satisfactorily and does not present a behavior issue, then the school should direct its attention to educating, not playing parent or cop. The next time I hear that old nonsense that education needs still more money as surely will happen, I will face the dilemma of crying or laughing.

Sam Batdorf



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