Antelope Valley Relay for Life team a winner

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Our own Antelope Valley Relay for Life team worked very hard throughout the year to raise funds for the fight against cancer. The final event of the season, the Relay walk, took place July 24 and 25 at Lampe Park. All of the many teams which are a part of this great effort participated in the walk, and the teams with the highest fundraising amounts were announced that night. We were already proud of our team, but especially so with learning that we were the No. 1 team in fundraising that did it on our own locally, with no corporate sponsorship. Congratulations and thanks to all of those who worked so hard through the year on our projects. We also want to thank the Antelope Valley Lions Club and the Northern Mono Chamber of Commerce for their assistance in allowing us to prepare meals and do many other tasks during their activities to raise money for the cause. Most of all, we thank the community for its ongoing support of our efforts.

I recently received an e-mail from the County Public Health Officer regarding this mosquito-driven disease. He wanted to remind everyone that as long as there are mosquitoes, the disease is possible. He reminded that dawn and dusk are the times when mosquitoes bite the most. He also said to apply a repellent before going outside and to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants. Our area has been lucky so far, but we can't be too careful.

Aug. 20, 12:30 p.m. at the Senior Center, the Mono County Sheriff's Department will be hosting a meeting to discuss topics very important to our area. They are: 1) Hospice outreach, 2) The Code Red alert, and 3) Mortuary services across the state line. These are subjects that affect us all, so please make sure to attend this meeting. Please call (530) 495-2323 to RSVP.

It took a while, but the West Walker River is looking great and yielding many fish for anglers. Mike and I were visited last week by a friend and his son from the Bay Area who love to fish, which they did every day. They caught many fish and had a great time doing it. Thanks to all the agencies and groups who have made sure the river was well stocked for the enjoyment of those coming to our area, as well as our local residents.

The top prize winner in the "How Big Is Big?" tournament was 6 pounds 4 ounces, measuring 251⁄4 inches. Congratulations to the winner.

The RPAC meeting will be 7 p.m. this Thursday, Aug. 5, at the Walker Community Center. I have seen this month's agenda, and there will be discussion and information on many items that will affect our valley. Please make an effort to attend and speak up with your opinions.


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