Staff Reports
Douglas County 4-H members Mikayla Cloney, 11, Rowan Harmon, 12, Corley Raper, 11, and Emma Smith, 11, received their Level 1 certificates and medals in the Nevada 4-H Horse Levels Program at the Douglas County Fairgrounds on Aug. 5.
The 4-H members were joined by leaders Shawna Fournier and Michelle Harmon and parents Joni Raper, and Dan and Rene Smith.
The Nevada 4-H Horse Levels Certification horsemanship skills program teaches safety, grooming, horsemanship, anatomy, and other horse basics. The program includes a written test and a riding skills test.
After completing Level 1 certification, members are eligible to compete in the Nevada State Fair (Wild West Fair) and 4-H Expo.
Information about the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension's 4-H youth development program at 782-9960.