I was amused to watch Sen. Harry Reid at work during the lame-duck session of Congress. He apparently feels he has a mandate by the citizens of Nevada to continue his "down with America" legislation. Last week he attempted to push through a $1.1 trillion ($1,000 billion) omnibus budget. Luckily, he couldn't muster enough co-conspirators to ram the legislation through.
Nov. 2, 2010 proved several things to me: 1) Nevadans have a great sense of humor by re-electing an architect of Obamacare, Obamanomics, and Obama foreign policy; 2) that Senator Reid is paid for and solely owned by the Service Employees International Union. Shame on you Sen. Reid for your conduct in the Senate and shame on you SEIU for pulling the strings on your boy Harry. I for one am embarrassed to call Sen. Reid my representative.
Ron Landmann