Gov. Gibbons is working to prevent Nevada from taking more tax dollars from you by re-inventing government. In doing that he is protecting Nevada's fragile economy from going from bad to worse.
Gibbon's proposals to re-invent government are imaginative and dynamic solutions. A major element of that re-invention is returning control to the citizens who are best at determining their needs for themselves.
Simple solutions of increasing taxes is old, outdated and destructive - government is simply too big and too expensive! Economic recovery is not created by pushing it with a rope.
We need zero based budgeting for all departments and agencies to justify their existence, manpower and funding.
Gov. Gibbons is asking Nevada to live within its means - like you and I do every day. Supporters of destructive tax increases are supporting other candidates. Do you want Nevada to take more of your money - especially when you don't have any?
Carefully look at and quiz each candidate and look at their supporters to learn their hidden agenda.
Times demand that government re-invents itself instead of simply taking more money from the economy to travel down the same dirty old path.
Stuart L. Posselt