Genoa will have an opportunity to make its case for a $375,000 state grant to renovate the old Genoa Volunteer Fire Department building.
The town applied for matching funds from the Commission for Cultural Affairs to retrofit the fire bay building into a cultural and visitor center.
According to Town Manager Sheryl Gonzales, Genoans have qualified to make a presentation March 10 and 11.
Because the grant requires the town come up with matching funds, the town will be looking for other sources of money.
Gonzales said there's a possibility that the town will only receive a portion of the funding. The town will be working on plans to determine specific costs, so if something has to be cut it can be.
Finding a source of money for the building is critical because the roof leaks.
The town purchased the property next door to the Town Hall for the fire station in 1948 and the building was constructed in 1950, according to the grant documents.
Firefighters moved out of the station in 1997, when a new volunteer fire department was built.
The building also houses the kitchen where candy for Candy Dance is made.
Work needed to be done includes fixing the roof, restoring the flooring, replacing the heater, renovating the bathrooms, insulating and rewiring the building.
Work on the fire bay is not expected to alter its outside appearance.