A great gallery

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I am pleased to report that the Gallery of Trees held recently at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in Gardnerville was a great success with a total of 14 trees.

Museum visitors chose the Douglas County Republican Women's tree as the winner of this year's contest. The tree was titled "Let Freedom Ring."

Not all the beautifully decorated trees could be chosen the winner, but they all helped make it gala holiday celebration. Those who participated are as follows: Scarlett Sippers Red Hats; Douglas County Democratic Women; High Sierra Fly Casters; A Wildflower; TOPS 0141 Gardnerville; Dennis Robert Little; Western Nevada Cattlewomen; Douglas County Senior Center; Douglas County Republican Women; DAR - John C. Fremont Chapter; Individual, Betty Salinas; Quilting Bee-Cause; Red Hat Society - Scarlet Ladies Chapter; Carson Valley United Methodist Church.

We hope everyone who participated in 2009 will do so again this year. It is part of what makes Carson Valley and Douglas County such a wonderful place to live. We again thank all who participated and we thank The Record-Courier for the great publicity it provided us.

Terry Capton-Snell

Gallery of Trees Chairperson


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