We can turn it around

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Nevada's economy is bad and will not get better until we come up with a commodity to sell. I have to give Sen. Reid credit on one thing. We have lots of solar and geo-thermal energy in this state and it is free for us to harness and use it.

Yes, this country became a great country during the industrial revolution because we invented and made things. Then the greedy companies pushed through NAFTA and we sent all our manufacturing to other countries for cheap labor. Now we have no jobs, we manufacture nothing except war products and we are running out of young boys to fight illegal wars.

We cannot support our U.S. lifestyle on China's wages and we will not be able to buy their product much longer if we keep going downhill. The people in this country have to get involved and take our country back. The money people won't do it for us. Thom Hartman on Freespeech TV (Dish 9415 10 a.m.-noon) has it right.

Get involved and we can do it.

Samuel H. Dupuis
