Staff Reports
Raptor Highway and Byway Tours focusing on hawks and falcons that winter in Carson Valley have been added to this year's Eagles and Agriculture event, Feb. 19-21.
The three-hour Raptor Highway and Byway Tours are offered Feb. 20 and 21 and are scheduled to avoid conflicts with other eagle seminars. Tours are led by Birding Under Nevada Skies owner Jim Woods, and ornithologist Jim Eidel, associated with the development of the Great Basin Bird Observatory and the Lahontan Audubon Society.
Raptors typically found in Carson Valley are red-tailed hawks, rough-legged hawks, ferruginous hawks, red-shouldered hawks, Cooper's hawks, sharp-shinned hawks, prairie falcons, kestrels, merlins, and peregrine falcons and golden and bald eagles. Great horned owls and barn owls may also be seen during tours. More information at
Participants are encouraged to bring spotting scopes and cameras. Cost is $45 per person. Sign up for tours through the Carson Valley Arts Council, 782-8207, or at
Lodging and visitor information at the Carson Valley Visitors Authority, 782-8144 or (800) 727-7677.