Backyard feeders attract colorful visitors

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On the east side of my house protected most of the time from the wind is a beautiful red climbing rose that reached as tall as the roof. Plenty of room for a birds nest usually occupied this time of year by a pair of yellow finches. This year a pair of scrub jays got to the rose first and built a larger nest just above the finch nest. They aren't hard to notice because each time I walk out the front door, the daddy bird flies out of the nest. The mamma must be sitting now because I always see here in the nest. Several times in the past few days I have also witnessed the daddy bird feeding her. I sight I have never seen before.

Here is a new bird I haven't paid attention to before that has been hanging around called a western tanager. I had to look him up in my bird book. He has a beautiful red head, black wings with two thin yellow stripes and a black tail. The rest of his body is a brilliant yellow. According to my book, his head turns to yellow in the winter with just a few red streaks. They spend their winters down south of central Mexico. That's a long flight from here for such a little bird.

The Siberian collar dove is also a favorite of mine. A soft gray body with a little darker gray wings and a black striped collar over the top of the neck. They make a "oo hoo" sound like its purring.

Laundry hint

Do you use the type of laundry soap dispenser that you tip on its side and push a button to fill the little plastic cup? The cup always seems to build up a crust of soap on it after using it a while. I heard from a friend, she just tosses the cup in the load of laundry and never has that problem.


The last day of elementary school in Douglas County is Thursday and it's a half day. Your child should have received paper work letting you know what time. Pinon Hills will be dismissed at 12:40 p.m. Remember to adjust for the change in the bus drop off time. Have a happy and safe summer to all our kids, teachers and staff.

Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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